Thot HE was a female:(:(


8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Central NC
Well yesterday my 23 chickens were running around my backyard and I started hearing a cockadoodledoo....Lo and behold it was my favorite "hen"...NOT....right after that He (whose name has been changed from Elvira to Elvis) began demanding one of my hens to be a hen if you know what I mean. She was completely traumatized. I found her behind the water bowl with her head on the ground acting paralyzed. Is this normal? I got her out and loved her up a little and then she began acting more normal. The thing that threw me off with this newly found rooster was the comb. I would like to know what breed he is...He was a solid black chick. As he grew he developed red feathers but continues to have black feet. I always thought his tail feathers were very flashy but his comb absolutely looks like a candle that has melted. He has always been very independent and stays to himself a lot. He is also quite small beside of my other roosters. I have to say it is upsetting that she is a he because I already had 9 roosters and deciding which ones to keep has been a chore.(I love almost all of them.) Help and comments would be appreciated.
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My favorites always turn out to be boys too. It would really help with breed ID if you would post some pictures. Just wanted to let you know that I feel your pain, this is the year of the rooster- at least at my house.
I'm so sorry.
It happens all the time. Post a picture of your chicken and then it's easier to identify.

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