Thought Hen Was Eggbound But Now She Walks Fine


Feb 26, 2022

Yesterday I noticed my Orphington standing off to the side while the rest of my girls ate dinner. When I approached she was shaking pretty hard and she tried to walk away and waddled like she was egg bound. She let me pick her up pretty easy (which is not usually the case). I took her inside and of course I was freaking out and assumed she was egg bound. I was unable to see or feel an egg but I’ve also never done this before and I’m not really sure what I’m looking for. Afraid to press to hard on her abdomen as to not break any egg inside her.

A little background about her. Her name is Honey and she is one of my largest birds. I got her from someone else and I don’t know much about her medical background unfortunately. We had a recent mite infestation so she is currently being treated for that (along with the other girls) we did topical ivermectin and cleaned the coop with permethrin. She definitely had the worst mites out of all the girls but was acting totally normal. She had a history of eating eggs, which is why I assumed she was egg bound since maybe she was more calcium deficient than the other girls.

Last night after her bath we put her in the dark in a crate and after an hour her legs became paralyzed. She had a little mobility in one of the feet a few hours later, and at 2am when we checked she could stand and walk on her own again. Super freaky and weird. She pooped this morning, and last night.

Does anyone know if this could be egg binding or a sign of something else? She is eating and drinking today, but her vent doesn’t look any different than before. A little pink and swollen but no egg in sight.

Thanks so much!
Welcome to BYC. Can you post a picture of the vent when you have time? Do you have a rooster? Could she have been injured? How much ivermectin pour on did you use? It needs to be repeated in 14 days.

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