Thought she was on her last leg—wobbling hen


Aug 18, 2019
7EBBF3E8-E2C8-48E3-9CB7-6E85ABCAAA0E.jpeg 66BA9831-E93C-4215-AFD6-0449FE6B8968.jpeg C13F1D4E-89A7-495D-AFD4-14AAE74FC17E.jpeg E55AA9B5-CC68-4709-8BDF-C96E95A74000.jpeg 3EB6A751-5A8C-4039-AD4A-50DF5A1B5356.jpeg My 5 year old Orpington, Lucy was wobbling five days ago and could barely walk. She mostly laid under a bush and I thought for sure she would be gone by morning. She was my very first chicken so I was hoping her death would at least be painless. She made it into the coop on her own that night and squeezed into a box with another hen, for added warmth I assumed. She was still in the box in the morning, so I left her some food right in the box. I was surprised to see her out, but still wobbling later that day. This went on for several days. Now, five days later she walking around and eating and drinking and seems just fine. I’m thrilled she’s doing well but would love to know what could have happened to her to cause her semi paralysis. I’m now adding vitamin supplements to the water, mainly for her, but everyone gets it. Incidentally, I have twelve birds total and none of the others had similar symptoms. Attached are a few pics of her from today. You can see she’s up and about.
My 5 year old Orpington, Lucy was wobbling five days ago and could barely walk. She mostly laid under a bush and I thought for sure she would be gone by morning. She was my very first chicken so I was hoping her death would at least be painless. She made it into the coop on her own that night and squeezed into a box with another hen, for added warmth I assumed.

Now, five days later she walking around and eating and drinking and seems just fine. I’m thrilled she’s doing well but would love to know what could have happened to her to cause her semi paralysis. I’m now adding vitamin supplements to the water, mainly for her, but everyone gets it.
Where are you located in the world?

I'm glad she is doing better. It's hard to know what's going on with her though. You don't mention whether she's been laying eggs or not.
At her age, she may be having some reproductive problems, so I would feel the abdomen for bloat/swelling or fluid. Check her crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks and look her over really well for lice/mites.
I would see that she's drinking the vitamin water, if she's not, then direct dose her. She may also benefit from some extra protein (egg, fish, meat).

In you photo, can't tell, but does she have bubbles, pus or discharge in the eye? It looks squinty.
Where are you located in the world?

I'm glad she is doing better. It's hard to know what's going on with her though. You don't mention whether she's been laying eggs or not.
At her age, she may be having some reproductive problems, so I would feel the abdomen for bloat/swelling or fluid. Check her crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks and look her over really well for lice/mites.
I would see that she's drinking the vitamin water, if she's not, then direct dose her. She may also benefit from some extra protein (egg, fish, meat).

In you photo, can't tell, but does she have bubbles, pus or discharge in the eye? It looks squinty.
Thank you for responding. I don’t believe she’s laid any eggs for some time now. She’s about five years old. We’re in Madison, WI. The weather has been hot, but I don’t think it’s weather related. I also noticed her eyes were squinty but didn’t see any pus. I will check her again tomorrow. I assumed the squinty eyes were age related. I also didn’t see any mice/lice.

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