Thought some of you may appreciate this...


14 Years
Jan 21, 2009
Wallkill, NY
I was outside yesterday and our roosters are really starting to crow. My 5 year old daughter came outside and heard them for the first time. She got all excited and came over to me and said,"Mommy they're roostering!"

I just thought it was so funny and cute and wanted to share!
YAY! I love it when a lil roo starts roostering! Now... if only I could figure out a way to make mine not rooster all dang day long
Thanks for sharing such a cute story
There was a little girl and her sister in the neighborhood where we used to live and they would come over to see the chickens and the younger one called them ooosters. We were back there one day and a big tom turkey was there strutting his stuff. She saw that, her eyes got real big and quicker than you could blink she ran over to him and wrapped her arms around him and said "awwwwww tukey". I was sweating bullets but the tom just stood there for a minute and let her hug him.

Steve in NC

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