thoughts on Australorps?


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2016
I have one 11 week old Australorp. she is my first of this breed. she seems a little more skiddish than my 11 week old barred rocks. I just wanted to know if they become friendlier when they grow older. if they don't, I'll be handling her more than the others!
Hi and welcome to BYC! Australorps do tend to be a pretty friendly breed, but it sounds like she might be a little more skittish so it might be a good idea to handle her a little bit more than the others. Thanks for joining us!
Hi and welcome to BYC. She may become less skittish once she begins laying.

Good luck
We have two Australorps which are very calm and sweet.
I take that back.... ONE is very calm and sweet. The other is a rooster and well, he's a jerk...but he's going thru rooster puberity... (yes, I'm trying to justify why he's a jerk in hopes that he will calm down soon....and in hopes that my husband won't send him to freezer camp)
Our hen though is very sweet, she was more skittish as a little chick but now that she started laying eggs her entire demeanour changed.
Maybe give her a bit more attention for now, and hopefully once she starts laying she will calm down.

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