Thoughts on the breed/mix of 2 hens?


previously jwehl // dogs & cats & squirrels oh my!
Nov 3, 2020
Atlanta GA
I've got 2 hens. One I was told is a game hen, which I thought was a breed at the time but now know isnt. The other I was told is a mix of game and something else. The guy originally told me what else it was but I cant remember and when I asked him again, he said shes just a game hen. I also dont recall which hen was which. Not a shady hatchery or anything, just my neighbor with backyard chickens.


Anyway, curious on what we think the breeds of these two ladies are as they are the moms of most of my flock. Let's call the one on the left Bird A and the one on the right Bird B. I tried to get pics like in the sticky post here, but they have a healthy dose of 'get away from me' in them. At least one, if not both, lay medium white eggs and are good broodies and mothers. They both roost in trees and run around with my Alpha Roo. I dont have many details on one vs the other though.

Bird A
Bird B

Bird A left, Bird B right
They are definitely American gamefowl hens. I couldn't tell one from t'other, to be honest, except the 'A' bird is a bit plumper. I don't think there was any crossing with a layer or dual purpose breed. The Asil breed, which is an Asian game breed, is commonly crossed onto American games, so maybe one of them is half Asil.
They are definitely American gamefowl hens. I couldn't tell one from t'other, to be honest, except the 'A' bird is a bit plumper. I don't think there was any crossing with a layer or dual purpose breed. The Asil breed, which is an Asian game breed, is commonly crossed onto American games, so maybe one of them is half Asil.
That could very well be it. That's a name that I recognize enough that I definitely could have heard it before but not enough that I would have remembered it!
& I cant really tell them apart either except they happen to be together all the time. A is slightly... lighter? oranger? B is definitely more brown. And, side by side, I can see the tails look slightly different, but idk if thats all the time or just how they were standing.

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