Thoughts on this coop?

Thanks Scott!
They do still have it. They are sending me additional pictures in the morning. They are asking $600, but I'm not to keen on that price.

if it does look good in pics go look at with a trailer or way to move it, and offer 4 if he doent except offer 5 and explain what you will need to do to it (pick it apart) and what you still need to buy for the coop to operate. like water and feeders hardwire over windows or what you can find to make it seem like it needs work and you will have to spend a couple more hundred to make this work. Looks lIke they have sat on it for a month.

don't FIRM PRICE UP ON THE PHONE. always offer way less in person after you have inspected it.
Good luck and keep us updated.
Agreeing with @ScottandSam and one thing I'd like to point out are perches: most of these have really narrow perches. They need to be a 2X4, with the 4" side turned up for the birds to perch on. This lets them keep their feathers over their feet so you don't have frost-bitten toes.

Good luck, I hope you can get it for a good price!
I think you can probably haggle based on the condition. As long as it's sound it's definitely big enough to meet your needs. I am curious as to what the interior looks like, both condition and layout.

I disagree about the perches as there's plenty of people who use 2x4 with the small side up, or branches, or thick dowels. Just make sure they're sturdy and roomy enough for the number of birds and use what makes sense in your set up and area.
Coop in post number one ... There are 1238 SQ. Inches in the coop itself. Don't count nesting boxes. You need 4sq. Feet per adult large fowl ( what you have) in the coop. So, you need 18 to 20 SQ. Ft. In the coop. I think, check my math, you have about 8.7sq. ft.
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OP, i personally think 600 is way too much for that second coop. 400 would definitely be a better price, or even TSC has a coop for 400 that looks very nice. It claims to fit 15 chickens which isnt true, but im sure it can hold 5 chickens. I forgot the exact dimensions but it looked very spacious in person.
Or if you guys have the time and tools, I would build one from scratch instead.
Thanks everyone. I'm not going to pay $600 for it, so if I can't get it for less then I might be trying to build one myself.
Good luck with your negotiations! There seems to be a lot of coops on Craig's list. I think a lot of people get into this chicken thing and for one reason or another it doesn't work in their life, so the coop needs to go. If you end up building there are a lot of great suggestions on this site for building on a budget.

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