Thousands of Grubs in Compost ( picture and video )

Quote: Hello Galanie..
I just started a multi stage colony of meal worms.. and have separated the beatles and worms. My ?? is re: the beatles seem to lay on theyre back and die.
like they cannot get turned over.. I admit i only have an inch of substraite in the box but there are probably less than 30 live beatles..

have you seen this behavior?

Hello Galanie.. 
I just started a multi stage colony of meal worms.. and have separated the beatles and worms.  My ?? is re: the beatles seem to lay on theyre back and die.
like they cannot get turned over..  I admit i only have an inch of substraite in the box  but there are probably less than 30 live beatles.. 

have you seen this behavior?

Yes, I have. When I disturb them I always make sure the dumb beetles are on their feet because they do not seem to be able to right themselves once tipped over. It's true though, you do need more than an inch of stuff in there though I've been guilty of letting them be in substrate that shallow too.
It  has been my understanding that grubs turn into Japanese beetles.
"Grubs" as in the ones you dig up in the garden do turn into those. But the ones we are discussing aren't the same type. The chickens love them too though. When I dig one up I call the girls and they go nuts.
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I can't believe you cheated us in the You Tube video-I heard the squawking, and I just KNEW at any minute you were going to show the chickens being let into the area and gorging themselves on those larvae!

I had already started nuking the popcorn, but alas, I was denied!


Me, too! I was thinking, "any minute now, those chickens are goin' to town..." and then the video ended!
My compost pile has mold in it. What am I doing wrong? I have it surrounded by pallets & in the sun. I started covering it for shade.
Can i salvage it or should I start again. Will the mold go away. I think I have to much brown matter & not enough Green.
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During the summers here in Indiana I see mold from grass often.It is another vehicle of breaking down of the grass or what have you. You might just stir the pile a bit and the mold will spread out go forth and multiply, but just not be visible. In the grass I think it is from the moisture cooking out of it and from being in the dark. Should be fine though. Watch out when you stir it up, might send some dust your way.
Yes, I have. When I disturb them I always make sure the dumb beetles are on their feet because they do not seem to be able to right themselves once tipped over. It's true though, you do need more than an inch of stuff in there though I've been guilty of letting them be in substrate that shallow too.
I'v tried butting them right side up and they are up side down with in seconds..
and as a new to meal worms.. i have been looking at them daily.. guess that's not good?

I was also trying to clean them out of the substrait they came in .. to a bran i got from the feed store.
and was using oatmeal i had here at home.. it was all i had.. and only came to 1 in.. I have now added morebut how high does it need to be..
I may only have 10 living beatles left ( just started with a few from the pet store.. as a trial run.)
?? what ammount in inches do you recommend.?

I also found a cardboard.. packing thing for a toaster .. to put in with the beatles I read they liked to crawl out .. and mate or .. ? for them to lay on ..cardboard ? they crawl on that.. it fits nicely in my tub-

then i have 2 sizes of plastic salad containers.. that will nest together.. the smaller on i use for the pupae and that fits nicely inside the worm bin.
can you find any error's .. in my habitat?

the only other concern.. is I heard they can lay egg's on the lettus / cabbage / or feed.. that you put in..
If that is so.. should I keep the discards for a while.. ( how long for an egg to hatch).. or its just not worth the time .. there will be enough layed other places.

thanks.. for the opinions..

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