Thread for my new ducklings

Love it! Duck math! How many does that make now?

8 (3 Pekins, 2 khaki Campbells​, 1 buff, 1 possible fawn and white runner, 1 Black runner) I think I'm done with ducks for this year
8 (3 Pekins, 2 khaki Campbells, 1 buff, 1 possible fawn and white runner, 1 Black runner) I think I'm done with ducks for this year

Love it! Sooo cute! My dh only agreed to three so when we ended up with five he wasn't very happy. As a result, I can't get anymore and have to live vicariously through others who post adorable pictures.
forget about what i said about those being the last ducks for this year, I ordered (for sure) the last birds for this year, 2 female Magpie ducklings, 2 barred rock pullets and 2 Easter Egger pullets :) they should be here in three to four days! Can't wait!
forget about what i said about those being the last ducks for this year, I ordered (for sure) the last birds for this year, 2 female Magpie ducklings, 2 barred rock pullets and 2 Easter Egger pullets
they should be here in three to four days! Can't wait!
It's got ya!!

That is adorable.
The chicks and ducklings are here! I'm about to go pick them up. Unfortunately I will not be getting the Easter eggers because ideal is not hatching them. I will post pictures when i get back!

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