Thread for my new ducklings

Wow i haven't been on here in awhile, apologies for the lack of updates.

Everyone is doing good, so far i have 2 drakes and 6 females (including Pearl) but i have the 3 straight run ducklings and i'm hoping i got all females. Magnolia already has started to get low for a drake and pearl got on her back twice, lol, it's a dominance thing right?
Here's some pictures








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I believe its a dominance thing. Accept I did notice if the drakes wont mate them.they will go for each other.

Yeah that's what i thought. My drakes haven't even started trying to mate (one is 4 weeks old and the other is 11 weeks old) obviously the younger one won't be trying for a few months. The older one (bill) got on her back once but then got off after a few seconds, lol.
Yeah that's what i thought. My drakes haven't even started trying to mate (one is 4 weeks old and the other is 11 weeks old) obviously the younger one won't be trying for a few months. The older one (bill) got on her back once but then got off after a few seconds, lol.
Practice makes perfect.
Wow it took me around 30 minutes to figure out this new website

Anyway, turns out I have 5 drakes and 6 females I know I will for sure be getting rid of one drake but I really can't get rid of any of the other four, I'm way too attached to them. 6 girls to 4 boys is not enough right? How many more girls am I going to need to be able to keep 4 drakes?
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Your drakes need at least 3 females each more if you can support them.
Which drake can you give up?

How about some updated pics. :pop

3 EACH great, I thought it was 2 each. I definitely cannot get 6 more females. Can I set up a separate area for the other 2 boys? Will they be okay by themselves and without females? I'm super attached to them and I really don't want to get rid of them.
I don't think it would work if they can see or hear the other ducks it will just make them frustrated and they will end up taking it out on each other.

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