Three Drakes...biting nightmare


Sep 24, 2017
North Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all. I have three drakes. The first was a rescue at a few weeks old and the others came along a bit later to keep him company. I had no idea they were all three males until later on. They have a small garden pond they splash around in so space is limited water wise for duck numbers. The rescue duck was loved on and precious until just before spring. Now all he wants to do is bite me. The others are following his lead and all are fighting among themselves especially when I'm near. The alpha drake is taking plugs out of me. It's like he loses his mind with one goal and that is to bite. I used to could feed him out of my hand and now he bites the hand that even has food in it. He leaves bite places on my legs. I dare not go out with sandals, or shorts. Rain boots seem to be my safest bet. I can pick him up and confine him but I'm hoping for a solution. I've tried mops, brooms, leaf blower, sitting on him and a few other tactics. I can get him and his team to stay away but it doesn't last. They don't even show interest in snacks I throw to them for wanting to fight or get to me to bite. They act like they love me to death and I mean that almost literally! I miss my sweet fellow who was so cuddly. Is this fixable?
I would do as chickens really said and also confining him to a cool dark from for a few hours will help level out his hormones which will hopefully help with the biting.
If hormonal and breeding season he will be just as bad or worse worrying about what he missed during confinement..:th..They are Randy Devils for sure...:barnie

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