Three Ducks that won't come in at night!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 26, 2011
Hi there, Three of my ducks split from the group, and won't go into the coop a night!!!!

Any tips on how to catch them? They are practically wild now. and they can fly....
a bunch of people who are good with nets
If you have a large pen or yard you can herd them into it'll be easier to catch them. Otherwise you can try chasing them around with the net - I find this not to be terribly effective. My duckyard has birdnetting over the top to protect them from hawks but it also keeps flyers I'm trying to catch grounded. I use a fishing net like this (wider scoop is better):

And I back them into a corner to make snatching them up easier. I make a decision at the last minute about whether I'm gonna be able to grab them with my hands or use the net... in a smaller space then net can sometimes be a hinderence - but if one tries to fly you've now got an extension of your arms to scoop them up with. If you have one more person to help you can keep them cornered with the other person puts them in a dog kennel or big rubbermaid tub.

Then... I would immediately trim those wings!

After that you might try keeping them confined in the house for a few days so that they learn to sleep in there. Then I would keep let them come out but only into the duck run so you can begin training them to go back in at night. Shouldn't take more than a week before they're all sleeping in the house together.

ETA: saw this awesome net gun... I'm totally gonna build this!!
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If you have a large pen or yard you can herd them into it'll be easier to catch them. Otherwise you can try chasing them around with the net - I find this not to be terribly effective. My duckyard has birdnetting over the top to protect them from hawks but it also keeps flyers I'm trying to catch grounded. I use a fishing net like this (wider scoop is better):

And I back them into a corner to make snatching them up easier. I make a decision at the last minute about whether I'm gonna be able to grab them with my hands or use the net... in a smaller space then net can sometimes be a hinderence - but if one tries to fly you've now got an extension of your arms to scoop them up with. If you have one more person to help you can keep them cornered with the other person puts them in a dog kennel or big rubbermaid tub.

Then... I would immediately trim those wings!

After that you might try keeping them confined in the house for a few days so that they learn to sleep in there. Then I would keep let them come out but only into the duck run so you can begin training them to go back in at night. Shouldn't take more than a week before they're all sleeping in the house together.

ETA: saw this awesome net gun... I'm totally gonna build this!!

X3 and feed them at night so they want to come in and look forward to it.
If you have a large pen or yard you can herd them into it'll be easier to catch them. Otherwise you can try chasing them around with the net - I find this not to be terribly effective. My duckyard has birdnetting over the top to protect them from hawks but it also keeps flyers I'm trying to catch grounded. I use a fishing net like this (wider scoop is better):

And I back them into a corner to make snatching them up easier. I make a decision at the last minute about whether I'm gonna be able to grab them with my hands or use the net... in a smaller space then net can sometimes be a hinderence - but if one tries to fly you've now got an extension of your arms to scoop them up with. If you have one more person to help you can keep them cornered with the other person puts them in a dog kennel or big rubbermaid tub.

Then... I would immediately trim those wings!

After that you might try keeping them confined in the house for a few days so that they learn to sleep in there. Then I would keep let them come out but only into the duck run so you can begin training them to go back in at night. Shouldn't take more than a week before they're all sleeping in the house together.

ETA: saw this awesome net gun... I'm totally gonna build this!!

X3 and feed them at night so they want to come in and look forward to it.

i agree also.. put the food in the ducoop ever time each night...
they will come RUNNING in
that's what we do. and practice herding them. ducks herd well so with a little practice you can get them anywhere you need them to go.

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