Three week olds - funny


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
I got sick of poo in the food and waterer so I decided to try to put bricks under them. I grabbed two bricks that were used as a planter border and put them under the feeder/waterer. A moment later there was a commotion in the brooder. All the chicks were chasing one. There was something small it her mouth. One of the others stole the thing from the first one's mouth and the chase was on again. After a minute or two of this, DH and I were finally able to figure out that it was a piece of grass!! It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. (And, luckily, it didn't turn violent!) My 10yo tried to give them another piece of grass but they looked at it like it was from Mars. I guess I have to get going on their run!
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LOL they are hilarious to watch. Try setting a bowl of boiled egg in the brooder.

My chicks will stare until one brave chick has a go at the egg, then they all stuff

themselves full. :)

LOL. I'll try the egg thing. I assume that needs grit with that, right? How do I handle grit? Do I need to sprinkle some on the egg or will they figure it out if I put it in a feed dish?
our chicks are one week old and they did the exact same yesterday! we found it hillarious, however when our friends came round we tried to make them to do it again- no luck!
They don't need "grit" with eggs. I hard boil the egg and only use the yoke, break it up into small feed size pieces and put it on a couple of paper plates. Else they all will try to get on the same plate, this way all get some (8 chicks). My chicks are 4 weeks old, been giving them egg yoke since week 1. I only give it to them once a week.....they really love it.
That describes it perfectly!

I have them a hardboild egg. The stood around and stared at it for a good long while. They finally figured out the yolk was food. They played a little more keep-away even though there was plenty!

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