Through the Seasons at the Chicken Asylum Pictorial (pic heavy)

Looks like Paradise.

ETA: What are you going to do with your chickens? Will you still have chickens at your new place?
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That is the most important thing, that the new place is also unrestricted so we can keep chickens-I don't know what I'd do without them. I hope I can find a place with good outbuildings, but I doubt I'll find a place with nice chicken coops like we built here. That part will be so hard to leave!
My daddy's people are all from Rabun County. Back in the olden days most of the mountain folk settled in the bottoms. Building houses on top of the ridges is a pretty new fangled thing. Hard to plow those mountain sides.

My point is, there is some real pretty creek bottoms all in through there if you can just find the right one.

That soil up there grows the best vegetables that I've ever tasted.
Rabun County is really pretty-we're in Fannin, west of there and if someone buys this place, we'll move up into TN, though not really very far from where we are now, maybe north of Cleveland around McMinn County. We really want a place that isn't prone to flooding--that is another thing about this place we really love; there is absolutely no way it can flood! I like our climate here at this elevation, though I bet we won't be able to find anything up as high as we are now. Those higher elevations have some very costly property on them-I don't want to be 20 ft from my neighbor, hanging off the edge, just so we can have the same long-range view, spectacular as they are.

We got here, cleared away the jungle around the house, planted lots of evergreens like rhododendron and hemlock for winter privacy, though there is no one who can really see us anyway except two neighbors a few hundred feet away, put up a picket fence for the dogs, then later, perimeter fenced about 2 of the 5 acres and gated the driveway. Over time, buildings went up and other projects were completed and I think it's a nice, cozy place we made here. I spend lots of time on the deck watching wildlife in all seasons.

DH just tilled the garden today in prep for amending the soil for next spring. We'll continue to do things as if we'll be here for the next garden season because you never can tell in this home market what will happen. We do like the house and if we can't sell right away, we're still managing okay, but it would be a good thing to be moved before we are more decrepit than we already are, LOL. I don't think we'll even take the furniture, just sell it furnished. Be easier to buy more than to move what's here. Sigh. The future is so uncertain for so many of us in this economy; we just want to be in a house that we will be able to handle in our older years and not have to think about moving ever again. We thought this would be our last move, but plans rarely work the way you think they will.

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