tick season

Chickens eat adult ticks or anything they can see. Ticks also feed on chickens.
I'm with you on the hate thing, along with chiggers.
People invite me to garden parties to keep the mosquitoes off of them.
Dang. I was hoping ticks would not attach. You would think they would pick them off one another.
OH well. Hilarious comment about the garden parties. Actually, mosquitoes bother me less than most people, probably due to large amounts of B vitamins that I take. All these darned parasites make me wish for winter again. The best thing about winter is definitely....NO BUGS!!
Winter, late fall and early spring are the only times I go camping.

Chickens are good self groomers. The soft bodied fowl tick is more of a problem for chickens than the hard lone star or gulf coast tick, sometimes referred to as dog ticks or deer ticks. It depends a lot on where you're located.
In WI they are wood ticks. Deer ticks apparently can be a problem (Lyme's disease), but we haven't seen any of those buggers! I only saw one when I did summer camp nursing at WI Dells one year and had to remove one from a child camper, whose dad turned out to be an MD!! Glad I did a good job!

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