Tiger Swallow Pigeons

I am confused. Why do you think plucking feathers is cruel? Pigeon feathers can come out just be holding them. Plucking feathers is done for several reasons...plucking around the vent for improving fertility in loose feathered birds, plucking broken wing feathers in flying birds so they can fly properly (outfly hawks). Keeping stray feathers out of eyes (jacobins etc).

Well keep in mind this is just my opinion nothing more but I just think that plucking some feathers for the betterment of the bird is totally different than plucking feathers out just to make them a certain color for your own pleasure. Its kind of like cutting your hair to keep it out of your eyes or cutting your hair just to make other people happy and not yourself. Thats cruel. I might not see it as cruel if it was a feather clipped here or there but to pull them out has to cause some sort of pain or discomfort. If you are plucking them to help the bird to have an easier life or to better its health then by all means pluck away but just to have something neat to look at well thats wrong. Again just my opinion
I am confused. Why do you think plucking feathers is cruel? Pigeon feathers can come out just be holding them. Plucking feathers is done for several reasons...plucking around the vent for improving fertility in loose feathered birds, plucking broken wing feathers in flying birds so they can fly properly (outfly hawks). Keeping stray feathers out of eyes (jacobins etc).

Read my reasoning, and then read what you're saying those are two completley different reasons. 1 is for looks the other actually has benifits. Pulling birds wing feathers out just for looks is cruel...that's MY oppinon not sure why you got to pinpoint my reasoning for not buying this type of bird because of it.
Just like pulling a hair out, if you pull one at a time not much pain.

Now how many of you ladies dont pluck eye brows???

Hope everyone dont think I am cruel for plucking broken feathers.
Only harm is if its a blood feather.
Deerman, lol you and theifpouter are reading us all wrong. We are saying that pulling for looks (on another creature) in our oppinons is cruel. But pulling feathers out of neccessity ie; broken blood feathers to stop bleeding, vent feathers to help breeding, facial feathers to help with sight) that's completley different....and NOT cruel.

Yes I pluck my eyebrows and I'll tell you what for the first 5-7 years it did hurt really bad... now it doesnt after the roots have been all but distroyed... takes a long while though. LOL. I'm italian/crow indian...you do the math. LOL.
Well guess you would know more about the eyebrow plucking, myself I dont do it.

Yes knew what you was thinking, that would have been a lot of feather plucking.

I did pluck my indian fantail, tail feathers 8 weeks before the big shows. (all new tail feathers) There I go giving my trick away.
awhh you didn't have to give your fan tail secret away
I don't see anything wrong with that either, I mean sure it's for looks, BUUUUT show animals need to look their best to win to conform to the standards...and not to mention it's not making the bird look different I'm sure it's just making the birds normal tail feathers look brand spankin new and untattered. Are tiger swallows shown? I guess if they are then I dunno that makes it different to me... still could be considered *cruel* but these are just oppinons. All I was getting at is that I wouldn't own tiger swallows if I had to pluck the things to make them look that beautiful. Now if they were bred and looked that beautiful to begin with then woohoo id' be looking out for them because that's just gorgeous!

I pinnon some of my birds and people I know will say that's cruel too but to me it's neccesity for some high strung birds and I try to look at it as just like getting your ears pierced just once and then its done. I still feel bad though lol.

I guess I look at it like this, when showing rabbits, (which I did) if lets say you had a black rabbit that had a white patch of fur on it's body that rabbit now is nonshowable, yet if you pull that white patch out and the patch of fur missing is able to be hidden by the other black fur it now becomes showable, yet according to the rules it is illegal to do because it's messing with what the rabbit is really about. Same with dying the white hair black.

The reason I cringe at it for the tiger swallow pigeons is because the wing feathers seem to be the most sensitive on the birds I assume because it's so close to bones and viens? So it just seems ouchie to me.

ANYWHOO again lol this is just my oppinon and people should be allowed to enjoy their birds the way they want to.
I just will refrain from enjoying any beauties called the tiger swallows because I couldnt do that to make them pretty i'd be like *pluck* sorry *pluck* sorry *pluck* sorry
Deerman, lol you and theifpouter are reading us all wrong. We are saying that pulling for looks (on another creature) in our oppinons is cruel. But pulling feathers out of neccessity ie; broken blood feathers to stop bleeding, vent feathers to help breeding, facial feathers to help with sight) that's completley different....and NOT cruel.

I clip My Jacobin's head feathers so they can see to mate and feed their baby's.
I trim the feathers on my indian fantails feet because they get caught in the wire bottom and bleed if i don't.
Deerman, lol you and theifpouter are reading us all wrong. We are saying that pulling for looks (on another creature) in our oppinons is cruel. But pulling feathers out of neccessity ie; broken blood feathers to stop bleeding, vent feathers to help breeding, facial feathers to help with sight) that's completley different....and NOT cruel.

I clip My Jacobin's head feathers so they can see to mate and feed their baby's.
I trim the feathers on my indian fantails feet because they get caught in the wire bottom and bleed if i don't.

sounds perfectably reasonable to me

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