Tiger Swallow Pigeons

No they are smaller than my chinese owls i 'm trying to think of a bird that size........

I will go get a pic of a baby i will take a pic of me holding it
May take a bit to get it uploaded but i will do it quick as i can
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OMG too funny!

Hmmm maybe you should make sure I have not been balding since high school before you crack a joke like that.

who said it had to be on youre head

The point is its easy to do something to someone or something else for looks without haveing any empathy about it so try to HONESTLY think about how it would make you feel first
I did, pulling a hair from ones head doesnt hurt much, nose,ear, beard , OUCH!!!!!

But if its going to make me sexy go for it
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Okay here is a White adult female

Blue Bar adult male

Here is a baby i'm going to be moveing him from his parents they have eggs again.

They are a little bigger than a dove
Yes i was told they were the smallest pigeon breed.

I found them accidently at a chicken show i was looking for chickens and ran across them.
I fell hard for them and i'm now friends with the breeder he's saving me a pair of pure white ones.
So since you know a breeder, is it true that they pluck them to make them have that pretty feather pattern?

Edit: Nevermind I think I misread something somewhere. Those are not the tiger swallows right?
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