Tiger Swallow Pigeons

May I clear up some things?

First of all, Tiger swallows do NOT have to be plucked. There is a gene called tiger grizzle which will cause some of the feathers to be solid white, and an otherwise colored area. If you're lucky, they'll moult out to where they actually look tigered (alternating white and color). Tiger swallows were bred for that gene to stay true and fine-tuned.

The way tiger grizzle works, is with each moult, more and more white feathers come in. In fact, their first feathers may look normal colored, but within a year or two, they may be almost the complete opposite!

So plucking the feathers and forcing new to grow in more quickly, would speed up the tigered look. However, it is not necessary.

Pulling feathers IS painful to the bird. More painful than cutting the skin. There is a non-painful way however. And that is cutting the feathers you want to pluck first (like clipping chicken wings). Then after a couple weeks, those clipped feathers 'die' and they can be more easily removed (much like our dead hairs that just fall out painlessly).

Now on birds WITHOUT the tiger grizzle gene, repeatedly plucking the same feathers can cause them to turn white because you destroy the melanin (sp?). So it's kind of like bleaching those desired feathers. But that's just cruel to the birds!

Tiger swallows are gorgeous birds. So by all means, go get some if you'd like. I'm sure you aren't nearly as strict about having each and every feather perfectly alternating. They'll still be pretty either way! There are also Fairy Swallows and Silesian Swallows. All are beautiful

And yes, Valencian Figuritas are the smallest domestic pigeon breed to date.
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Yay I knew there was still hope for me to have these beautiful birds without torturing them. You have made my day. Thank you so much.
Now on to my next question...Where do you get these Tiger Swallows? I would think maybe only shows and/or private breeder? Knowing nothing about pigeons I am guessing there is not a way to order such things or is there? I don't hatch eggs because it would drive me to the brink of insanity...oh wait I might already be at the brink...so it would probably push me right over the edge.
pigeons can be shipped but in a special box and it will cost around $30 for shipping and around $15 for the special box.
ive been trying to find some indian fantail pigeons online but so far no luck...only american...and i didnt really like the color. goodluck finding some iger swallows
A 1-2 bird box only costs about $10. You can order them from Siegel's Pigeon Supply for the cheapest.

There aren't many places that breed certain breeds like chicken hatcheries (most places who do breed pigeons soley for the purpose of selling, like Stromberg's, are overpriced anyways), but there are many people who raise them themselves. Swallows aren't the easiest breed to find, but it is possible

You may want to contact these people. They would probably know just the right people to get swallows from:

You could also post here to see if there are any members of the group who breed them - http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rarevarietypigeonsociety/

DITB, I know of one guy who has Indian Fantails. His email address is [email protected]

This may also help

Probably best to subscribe to a group or magazine(purebred pigeon). I have found the best way to get good birds is to join a forum or yahoogroup, get to know breeders and then when you ask for stock you can trust what you get. Many pigeon breeders want to sell you inferior/infertile birds and charge way to much for shipping. I wont buy from someone who says I sell you one bird +10 for box and $55 for shipping. If you get to know people they will agree on a shipping price much closer to reality.
What are you wanting to do with the indians? I have some pairs but...they are monk mark(similar to baldhead) project indian fantails. A pattern not in the standard yet and not up to par. For showing they would not work but if you just want "pet quality" indian fantails they are nice. I fly them, which they do quite well now. I could breed up a few....I will try to get a picture.

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