Tight wings?


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
One of my 7wk BCM chicks appears to have really tight wings.

By this, I mean that when her wings are normally folded, the tips of her flight feathers pop up between her wings up by her shoulders.

Is there anything I can do for her?

As a point of reference, the white is a white flight feather tip.
It is only the wing on her left.
Maybe her feathers are just growing in and are short and that is why they are sticking up. Does it seem to bother her? What happens when you fan her wing out with your fingers? Is her wing injured?
It could just be the breed, but she looks thin to me. What are you feeding her? Would you be able to get a picture of her wing spread to see if there are any malformations in the wing? You'd probably need some help to get that done.
Well - ?? -

She's a girl, so has been growing in her wing feathers since day 1.
They're of normal length, compared to her other wing and the other babies from the same hatch.
She seems well and comfortable, eating and drinking, etc.
It only seems to bother her when she tries to fold her wings and the feathers get caught and she has to try a couple times to get it folded.

So....I just don't know.
In comparing her to her hatch mates, I don't think she's thin....she's pretty similar to the others.
She was all stretched out b/c she was upset that I took her away from her friends (and she IS in that velociraptor, naked neck, funky hairdo stage!)

She's being fed free choice Chick Starter/Grower.
They also get some yogurt once or twice a week.
Not much else yet.

I'll need help to get a wing pic, so will have to wait until after work tomorrow.
When I open it, I think it looks and feels normal other than being very tight and the feathers are totally mussed up from the way she holds the wing.
I'd love some opinions, though!
If there are no other issues, she is comparable in size and health to her flockmates, and she is eating and drinking just fine, then it's probably just that her feathers are coming in a bit awkwardly.

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