Time To Set Some Eggs....

Fat Daddy

11 Years
Dec 11, 2010
Anyone else know that itch? Just a littlebit after I get a hatch over and a vacancy opens up in my bator..... My left eye starts to twitch.... Like I'v developed a tick or a addict that needs a "fix"..... I was look'n in the mirror this morning and saw the signs... Its time to set some eggs.... Got 30+ ,Really nice eggs, ready to roll....All 15-16 gram, uniform shape. I set them to simmer last night. It always makes me feel better to live vicariously thru friends and what they have in the bator.... WHAT DO YOU GOT COOK'N?

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I will be setting 72 jumbo brown coturnix eggs from an EBay seller that arrived yesterday. The USPS tried to kill them all but at least they look OK. Now to get them to hatch!
Anyone else know that itch? Just a littlebit after I get a hatch over and a vacancy opens up in my bator..... My left eye starts to twitch.... Like I'v developed a tick or a addict that needs a "fix"..... I was look'n in the mirror this morning and saw the signs... Its time to set some eggs.... Got 30+ ,Really nice eggs, ready to roll....All 15-16 gram, uniform shape. I set them to simmer last night. It always makes me feel better to live vicariously thru friends and what they have in the bator.... WHAT DO YOU GOT COOK'N?

Bill, I think you "itch" year round for hatching.

Good luck with the hatch Bill!!
I hear ya Fat Daddy. I filled my second bator last night. I'll collect eggs until the first clutch hatches and set some more. There's something about an empty bator that just eats away at a person.....

When my layers are done for the year I might buy some Gambel or Chukar eggs to hatch just for the fun of it.
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I hear ya Fat Daddy. I filled my second bator last night. I'll collect eggs until the first clutch hatches and set some more. There's something about an empty bator that just eats away at a person.....

When my layers are done for the year I might buy some Gambel or Chukar eggs to hatch just for the fun of it.

I know what you mean..... I hate to admit it but Leyla is right.... I sometimes find myself surfing ebay with just the search "Hatching eggs" not even a species or breed .... Have I told you about my Transylvanian naked neck, white laced bantam silkies?
I know what you mean..... I hate to admit it but Leyla is right.... I sometimes find myself surfing ebay with just the search "Hatching eggs" not even a species or breed .... Have I told you about my Transylvanian naked neck, white laced bantam silkies?

I do that as well. The only catch with me is they need to be a species that can fly so I can use them to train dawgs.
I justify my hatching by never turning my incubators off. That way I can always say, "well I'm already paying for the power, might as well not waste it"

I'm doing some egg patterning at the moment and tweaking on the dark faced pharaoh color a little bit.


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