Tiny Ameraucana chick ~ Sad update


Birds & Bees
12 Years
Jun 1, 2007
Northern York County ~ Pennsylvania
I hatched 15 LF Ameraucana chicks last week and one of the splash chicks is very tiny compared to the others. I think this chick is the one that pipped on the side of the shell and had a rough time hatching. I have a splash roo, 1 splash hen and 2 black hens so all of the splash chicks have to be full siblings. The other splash chicks are twice the size of this one and are feathering in much faster. The tiny chick also had a bout of pasty butt which was cleaned up. She doesn't seem to have as much energy as the others and I am not positive that she will survive. I have been giving her vitamins. I don't know if there is something physically wrong with her that makes her so tiny. Even her feet are so tiny compared to the others. BTW ~ so far I have been calling her "Tiny" until a better name comes up.

Both chicks are from the same parents and are the same age.


She is not even as big as the bantam cochin in the front left of this picture that is the same age.

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They're all absolutely gorgeous! And Tiny has a particular level of cuteness unmatched by her siblings. I wish her all the best and hope she makes it!
could be a fail to thrive chick? I remember reading about it I can't remember what post. I'm expecting some chicks of my own to hatch in a week and have been browsing around. and I have seen some in the past thats just a failure to thrive aka they dont grown. I'm not 100% sure what you do about it
I have a similar problem. But with a buttercup. I am just guessing runt and hoping she makes it out f it. Been babying her a little and she seems happier. Hope she survives.
Unfortunately Tiny passed away this evening. She had been eating and drinking, but just not growing. I assume that there were other underlying problems that she had.

This was a rough Easter Day for us as we also lost our 16 year old cat, Boo to cancer. He went downhill very fast this weekend. Ironically, we lost his litter mate & brother Beau, 6 years ago on Easter Day to complication of diabetes.

RIP Boo 9/27/94 - 4/24/11

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