Tiny egg. Concern?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Dietrich, Idaho

Was out collecting eggs, when I found this:


I have NEVER seen my golden sex links lay an egg this small. There was another instance of a larger egg, still small, that had no yolk.

Is this a concern?

Fart egg, wind egg, fairy egg, witch egg. People call them all kinds of things. I like fart egg, because i'd imagine that is what it feels like to lay one.:)
Ha ha ha! Yep. I think of the hens sitting in the nest box thinking they need to lay. Then ppffflltt and a tiny little egg is there. I can imagine the hen turning around and wondering what happened. Quickly leaving the box like "That wasn't me. It was there when I got in."
Ha ha ha! Yep. I think of the hens sitting in the nest box thinking they need to lay. Then ppffflltt and a tiny little egg is there. I can imagine the hen turning around and wondering what happened. Quickly leaving the box like "That wasn't me. It was there when I got in."

I love this! Do they think the same thing when the get poop on the egg, too? "Wonder who could have done that...???"

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