Apr 25, 2014 #1 sassychicken79 In the Brooder 5 Years Feb 24, 2014 25 0 22 I am assuming this is what they call a wind egg or fairy egg. It has no yolk. Should I be concerned?
Apr 25, 2014 #2 Kelsie2290 Free Ranging Premium Feather Member 9 Years Feb 18, 2011 36,684 5,015 586 Ohio Looks like one to me. They are funny little eggs aren't they. Everything seems to say they are just an oops, usually when a tiny piece of reproductive tissue gets treated like a yolk, and are of no real concern unless a hen lays a lot of them.
Looks like one to me. They are funny little eggs aren't they. Everything seems to say they are just an oops, usually when a tiny piece of reproductive tissue gets treated like a yolk, and are of no real concern unless a hen lays a lot of them.
Apr 26, 2014 #3 earlybird10842 Good Morning! 12 Years Aug 5, 2012 3,268 72 326 As long as it isn't a recurring issue, that's a fluke. No need to worry.