Tiny egg


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2019
I have a tiny blue chicken egg - much smaller in comparison to my other eggs. I have seen it developing throughout the days and it should hatch near tomorrow or the next day. Is it bad that it is so small?
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'Smaller' eggs can produce weak or stunted chicks - other times they produce chicks that thrive and catch up in growth. Hopefully yours falls into the second group.
Thanks for the information. I really hope it’s the latter. I have a speckled egg sitting right next to my blue egg and the speckled one is moving like crazy, responding to my clicking and wiggling every couple minutes. Maybe it’s because I’m also playing some classical music to them! But the blue egg doesn’t seem to be moving? Who knows what’s up, I’m not losing hope yet though because it’s only barely day 20
Thanks for the information. I really hope it’s the latter. I have a speckled egg sitting right next to my blue egg and the speckled one is moving like crazy, responding to my clicking and wiggling every couple minutes. Maybe it’s because I’m also playing some classical music to them! But the blue egg doesn’t seem to be moving? Who knows what’s up, I’m not losing hope yet though because it’s only barely day 20
Have you been candling the eggs?
Is the blue egg confirmed to be fertilized?
Yes, the blue egg is definitely fertilised, but I couldn't see anything past about day 15 in the egg because it was dark, and I don't really want to do the water thing to check if it's still alive because I don't think that would be very safe. I'm not sure though.
I saw the little blue one moving. I hope he will be OK. I'm pretty sure he is a Crested Legbar, so I will see whether he is a girl or a boy soon.
Good luck. Smaller eggs (pullet egg perhaps?) do tend to have a harder time developing and hatching, and with the smaller size it can be more difficult for them to thrive.
This is Strawberry. She came from a fairy egg I got from my brown leghorn. I was already incubating eggs and decided to see what would happen. Her dad is an EE, so no idea what she will look like but she looks like she might look like an EE with the leghorn comb.
She is smaller than her hatchmates but more lively.

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