So I have 8 pullets/hens they are 9 months old and have been together since they were a day old. 1 leghorn 2 br 2 rir 3 EE and 1 older (age is unknown) mystery breed rooster( I think he's an EE mix probably less than 3 years old) and the rooster has been with then since August. Anyway I have noticed recently the smallest of the ee's is getting seriously bullied. They chase her away from the food and see jumps and runs if they approach her. I don't see ant signs of injury or illness. All 3 ee's have slowed down on eggs since it got real cold out. I feed them nutrena layer feed mixed with flock raiser. They get a head of lettuce about 3 days a week. Scratch in the evening and the occasional oats or peanuts. Their run is 120+ square feet. I don't want to take her out for fear they will really get her when she returns. Is there anything I can do her her?