tiny gnats biting my quail!


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
I noticed the past few days my quail have been itching more than usual. I thought it was bc they had some pin feathers growing but no...This morning I noticed tiny little gnats flying around inside the cage and landing on them. I squished one and blood came out gross!! How do I get rid of these???
I already use that....I've even resorted to seven dust.
Gnats almost always have a source find whatever wet/rotten veggie matter they are coming from and sevin dust the heck out of it. Rotten fruit and house plants are the two most common places gnats breed that I can think of but anything wet and cool will do it. I've never had success taking them out of the air.
I have the birds on our patio in a rabbit hutch. No plants around them. They're on wire but have an Inside area with shavings that I clean out often. The drop board under the wire part has fine shavings and seven dust on it and I clean that every other day. Maybe a fan will help blow them away? Lol...I don't know!

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