Tiny the Terrorist Attack Hen! Will She Become a Suicide Flogger?

I was looking for the link to Tiny's thread today for someone and re-read some of the posts. It is hard to believe this started 3 years ago. Tiny is now living with the old hens, rooster-free other than the occasional young cockerel I grow out in there that she can pick on. Tiny will turn 5 years old in spring of 2015 and she is currently healthy and laying. I have to blunt her spurs from time to time, but she continues to crave attention and is still not above flogging and biting to get it.

Her only progeny, son Deacon, is farm mascot and a spoiled rotten brat. He's as sweet as his mother is nutso.
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I've been thinking of this thread lately because I have (had) a sweet hen that wanted to be picked up all the time and now she flogs me all the time. If I pick her up she pecks at me a lot. If I put her down she won't leave my side. Go figure. And she talks up a storm the whole time.
I've been thinking of this thread lately because I have (had) a sweet hen that wanted to be picked up all the time and now she flogs me all the time. If I pick her up she pecks at me a lot. If I put her down she won't leave my side. Go figure. And she talks up a storm the whole time.

Odd, the behavior change. Tiny has always been a weirdo.
Tiny is about to turn 5 years old and she is still contemplating becoming a Suicide Flogger. You think she'd learn by now, but she's still the same crazy loon she always was, except that her spurs are larger.

Yesterday, I came upon her choking on a piece of scratch in the coop. She was stretching her neck and trying to expel the offending kernel. I called to DH, "Tiny's choking on something". By the time he came in, she'd worked it out but he picked her up and took her to the waterer, telling her to drink something. For his trouble, she turned and bit the fire out of his left forearm, leaving a scrape and a purple mark. When he stood up, she started flogging his leg.
Next time, I'll just ignore her. Stupid hen will probably live to be 20 years old.

Recent pics of the Tiny Terrorist.

She is the cutest thing! I think it's always fun to have an semi psychotic hen in the bunch. Interesting dinner conversation, LOL

Not sure "fun" is the word DH would use, LOL. You see Gypsy in that second picture? She has been laying this past week even at going on 8 years old now. Tough old women. They try to keep Tiny in her place, that's for sure!
Wow, 8? I have one that still lays at 7.5 years, and 3 Polish that lay at 7 years. One's a JG, and who would thought that Polish would still be laying?

Do you still have Caroline?
Wow, 8? I have one that still lays at 7.5 years, and 3 Polish that lay at 7 years. One's a JG, and who would thought that Polish would still be laying?

Do you still have Caroline?

Yup, Caroline is still kicking butt and taking names at over 8 years old. She is my oldest hen now (and ever). She is head hen in the Old Hens' Retirement Home & Hospice. Amanda, who can't even walk from arthritis and is only two months behind Caroline in age, is her second in command. Amanda is still laying at 8 years old and though she can't walk, her thunker works just fine. She bosses everyone except Caroline and Caroline looks out for her. They sleep side by side on the floor most nights.
Becca, Amanda's same age sister, has been acting weird the last few days. She usually roosts with Gypsy but she's been sleeping in a nest and making weird broody-like clucking noises, though I'm sure she isn't broody-has never shown any inclination and hasn't laid in at least a couple of years.
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