Tiny Turkey Poult


16 Years
Apr 27, 2008
Ozark Highlands
I have a Narragansett turkey poult that hatched out June 26/27. It was the same size as all of the other poults when it hatched, but it had some issues for about a week where it was touch and go as to if it would even survive until the next morning. Thankfully it not only survived, but is now just as feisty as the rest. However it is now very tiny....currently the same size as the little bantam chick that hatched out the same day.

I'm just wondering if, due to it not eating hardly anything it's first week of life, will it ever catch up to the others in size?
Anyone ever have something like this in their flock?

Here it is next to the bantam chick....

And here it is next to one of the other Narragansett poults out of the same hatch. Keep in mind these two were the same size the day they hatched, and that the rest of the hatch is the same size as the big one...

I'm hoping it turns out to be a hen, as I'm already emotionally vested.
It's eating very well, and growing, although still the same size as the bantam chick (which is also growing), and still a LOT smaller than the others as they are continuing to grow as well. I'm also giving it extra meal worms (loves them!).
Good to hear. Have only seen this in chickens. Had a BSL pullet that lagged way behind her sisters. Took about a year until she filled out (never did grow any tail feathers).

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