Tiny, Underdeveloped chick? Please help!


6 Years
Apr 5, 2018
Hi! I️ recently got 4 Cream Legbars from our local feed store. I️ believe they were all around a week old and they were all the same size. After about a week, 3 of them starting growing feathers and the other 1(Kevin) still looked the same as the week before. They all were growing at the same pace, then after a couple weeks, Kevin had a couple wing feathers and no tail feathers (the others were starting to get tail feathers).

They around 5 weeks right now, I’m pretty sure. Kevin eats and drinks a lot, but is pretty skinny. I️ try to keep vitamins in the water at all times. He dust bathes with the other chicks. He really enjoys the sun, he will lay on his side and stick his wing out like an Umbrella. There is no picking going on, in fact all the bigger chicks adore him and there is always one (always different ones) by his side cuddling with him. He lays down and sleeps all the time, way more than the other chicks. It’s almost like he is always laying down. He will jump and Flap around for a short amount of time when I️ let them outside to run around, then flop down in the sun. He seems to breathe heavily a lot, but maybe the other chicks do too. He also trembles when he is laying down, even in the sun in 83 degree weather. When he walks, he hobbles or kinda waddles like a Duck, very slowly.

I’m not sure what’s up, but hopefully y’all can help. Thanks in advance!
Has Kevin had any issues with pasty butt? I had 2 with chronic cases that developed much more slowly than their siblings. One of them feathered out so slowly I wasn't sure he was going to grow at all but he has! That is my only very limited experience as I'm a new chicken mom but hopefully you will find some answers for you chickie.
Hi! I️ recently got 4 Cream Legbars from our local feed store. I️ believe they were all around a week old and they were all the same size. After about a week, 3 of them starting growing feathers and the other 1(Kevin) still looked the same as the week before. They all were growing at the same pace, then after a couple weeks, Kevin had a couple wing feathers and no tail feathers (the others were starting to get tail feathers).

They around 5 weeks right now, I’m pretty sure. Kevin eats and drinks a lot, but is pretty skinny. I️ try to keep vitamins in the water at all times. He dust bathes with the other chicks. He really enjoys the sun, he will lay on his side and stick his wing out like an Umbrella. There is no picking going on, in fact all the bigger chicks adore him and there is always one (always different ones) by his side cuddling with him. He lays down and sleeps all the time, way more than the other chicks. It’s almost like he is always laying down. He will jump and Flap around for a short amount of time when I️ let them outside to run around, then flop down in the sun. He seems to breathe heavily a lot, but maybe the other chicks do too. He also trembles when he is laying down, even in the sun in 83 degree weather. When he walks, he hobbles or kinda waddles like a Duck, very slowly.

I’m not sure what’s up, but hopefully y’all can help. Thanks in advance!View attachment 2156714View attachment 2156715View attachment 2156716View attachment 2156718
I'm a new chicken mom too, I don't know about the trembling, but by the size comparison, I would guess maybe Kevin is a Bantam?
Has Kevin had any issues with pasty butt? I had 2 with chronic cases that developed much more slowly than their siblings. One of them feathered out so slowly I wasn't sure he was going to grow at all but he has! That is my only very limited experience as I'm a new chicken mom but hopefully you will find some answers for you chickie.
Kevin had pasty butt in the very beginning, but has been fine since. Thank you for your help!

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