Tips and advice for call ducks?


🐓 Silkie Queen 🐓
8 Years
Mar 18, 2016
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
I might be getting some call ducks soon, I have to win over my parents but I am close!! Is there any advice I should know of before hand? I already have a Cayuga and a muscovy/crested cross. They have food and treats and a kiddie pool. Can I let call ducks free range and do I need a ramp in my pool to help them get out?
Keep in mind that Calls can and do fly really well. They're tiny so a tiny flying duck doesn't always do so well but that's something you usually have to find out the hard way. I have several large lakes across the road from my property so I don't want my Calls flying over there. You'll want to consider clipping a wing to keep them from flying off if you don't want them flying off on adventures. Some Call keepers allow theirs to fly and sometimes they return with no problems. Calls are pretty special little ducks. Idk about keeping Cayuga drakes with Calls either. I keep my bantam ducks with other bantam ducks and my heavyweight/large fowl ducks with other large fowl ducks. I'd probably want to get feedback on that before putting them together. I hope that helps.
Keep in mind that Calls can and do fly really well. They're tiny so a tiny flying duck doesn't always do so well. You'll want to consider clipping a wing to keep them from flying off. Calls are pretty special little ducks. Idk about keeping Cayuga drakes with Calls either. I keep my bantam ducks with other bantam ducks and my heavyweight/large fowl ducks with other large fowl ducks. I'd probably want to get feedback on that before putting them together. I hope that helps.
I'm going to have the Call ducks with the chickens, if I get any.
There won't be any large fowl ducks present, but there will be large fowl chickens. Is that okay?
I'm going to have the Call ducks with the chickens, if I get any.
There won't be any large fowl ducks present, but there will be large fowl chickens. Is that okay?
Yes 🙂 The main problem with large fowl ducks and bantam ducks is a concern of a large fowl drake drowning a bantam 💜 I'm sure that some people keep them together without problems but I worry about it a lot.
I don’t have call ducks, I’ve always wanted some though!

Are any of your other ducks drakes? Since call ducks are so small a bigger drake may hurt them.
They can also fly pretty well so if you don’t want them flying you will have to clip their wings.
One more thing to think about... Call Ducks are LOUD!!! Now they're so darn adorable and have the absolute most adorable quacks, but they're loud!!! I LOVE a loud bird and that's one of the things that I feel in love with first (I believe Mare is the same 💜). If you're not expecting it and have neighbors that will have problems with extra noise, you might want to consider a flock of drakes. Still adorable Calls nonetheless but much more quiet than hens 💜
One more thing to think about... Call Ducks are LOUD!!! Now they're so darn adorable and have the absolute most adorable quacks, but they're loud!!! I LOVE a loud bird and that's one of the things that I feel in love with first (I believe Mare is the same 💜). If you're not expecting it and have neighbors that will have problems with extra noise, you might want to consider a flock of drakes. Still adorable Calls nonetheless but much more quiet than hens 💜
Love me some loud birds. 🥰
Q:Can I let call ducks free range?
A: Yes you can let them free range but just know that call ducks fly wonderfully. You will need to make plans to clip their wings so they will stay safely on your property. Also, remember that they are smaller so that will make them more of a target for predators (from above too) so make sure they are supervised at all times when not in a predator proof run.

Q: Do I need a ramp in my pool to help them get out?
A: Yes, again call ducks are small so they will need some assistance depending on where or how you place the pool. If you put the pool in the ground (lip level with the ground), then the only modification you should need is putting any where between 1-3 bricks inside the pool to provide a step up out of the water and onto land. If you're just going to keep the whole pool above ground then the calls will need assistance with getting in and out.

The one concern I would have is your current ducks being too big to put with the calls. I don't know if your Muscovy hybrid is a drake but, 10-15 lb Muscovy drake paired with a 1 lb call will not end well. Same concern for a mature 7-8 lb Cayuga drake.
I don’t have call ducks, I’ve always wanted some though!

Are any of your other ducks drakes? Since call ducks are so small a bigger drake may hurt them.
They can also fly pretty well so if you don’t want them flying you will have to clip their wings.
None of my other ducks are drakes. I have two girls.

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