

May 22, 2020
Hi does anyone have any tips for when in lockdown? What humidity? How to check if their healthy? anything would be appreciated šŸ’žšŸ˜Š
Hi does anyone have any tips for when in lockdown? What humidity? How to check if their healthy? anything would be appreciated šŸ’žšŸ˜Š
Lockdown is generally done 3 days before hatchingā€”remove them from the turners, and lay them flat in the incubator floor or hatch tray, depending what you have, on a non-skid surfaceā€”shelf liner is great. Stop turning the eggs completely at this point, as the chick will be orientating itself to ā€˜pipā€™ and peck a hole in the egg shell.

(after it pips, it can be up to 24 hours till they ā€˜zipā€™ and peck their way around the egg. They are absorbing the yolk in to their naval at this point, so do not attempt to help within 24 hours for sure.)

I believe humidity should be 65% for chickens. This helps the pipped eggs not to dry out during the time they are absorbing the yolk.

if you havenā€™t by this time, you can shine a bright light (though it must seal against the eggā€™s curve to work properly) in to the big end of the egg. By lockdown time, you probably wonā€™t be able to see much, but you could easily see motion inside. It should be pretty dark and full of matter. Usually folks candle earlier, often between days 7-14 to toss any that havenā€™t started developing, or have started and then died. (Iā€™m hardly confident enough to toss starters, but obvious ā€˜blood ringsā€™ arenā€™t too hard to spot.)

Happy hatching!

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