Tired of sharing

Lol! I did actually cover the floor of my run (I have a raised coop) in hardware cloth. No critter s and I live in the woods. BUT! I electrified the whole gosh darned thing, see the electric fence post in my signature it will tell you how...I have had NOT ONE invasion! Nothing.
Lol! I did actually cover the floor of my run (I have a raised coop) in hardware cloth. No critter s and I live in the woods. BUT! I electrified the whole gosh darned thing, see the electric fence post in my signature it will tell you how...I have had NOT ONE invasion! Nothing.
I'm goin to go read your electric fence post. Thanks!
I have the traditional traps just afraid the birds will get on it so I wanted to try the safe way

I used some snap traps for rats. Had the same worry. Made some boxes out of welded wire 1" X 2" holes. Rats jump right through that size hole but it kept everything else out. Made sure a chicken couldn't reach its head in and touch the trap..
That worked out good
Just found this online:
If the chicks getting in would be a concern you could bend some hardware cloth in such a way that it makes a dome type cover over the top of the bucket, in a mushroom type shape to cover the entire plank trap, and just cut out a slit in the cloth at the top of the ramp big enough for the mice to squeeze through but not the chicks. I can try to draw something if this description isn't making sense.
Just found this online:
If the chicks getting in would be a concern you could bend some hardware cloth in such a way that it makes a dome type cover over the top of the bucket, in a mushroom type shape to cover the entire plank trap, and just cut out a slit in the cloth at the top of the ramp big enough for the mice to squeeze through but not the chicks. I can try to draw something if this description isn't making sense.
I watched that video I might try to recreate it

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