TN traders!

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I have. I had somebody want to get 3 birds but they are too far away. I did sell the incubator today. That person was from another chicken site i'm a member of. I put pictures up and I think my birds look good. I do have 4 hens that have bare backs but wear and tear happens with hens from roos. I do have saddles on them now. Thanks to this site, somebody sent me a pattern to make them for my girls.

I even tried to put them on EBay but it got removed. Not allowed to sell live birds, only their eggs for hatching. I didn't know that, but I do now. I have a big dog i'm trying to re-home now for a few months with no luck either.

I need somebody to toss some luck my way. I sure could use it.
Try Craigslist

I have. I had somebody want to get 3 birds but they are too far away. I did sell the incubator today. That person was from another chicken site i'm a member of. I put pictures up and I think my birds look good. I do have 4 hens that have bare backs but wear and tear happens with hens from roos. I do have saddles on them now. Thanks to this site, somebody sent me a pattern to make them for my girls.

I even tried to put them on EBay but it got removed. Not allowed to sell live birds, only their eggs for hatching. I didn't know that, but I do now. I have a big dog i'm trying to re-home now for a few months with no luck either.

I need somebody to toss some luck my way. I sure could use it.

Sell very cheap and have a catchy title
quick pics but not too great
and I need to sell the muscovy because I can not seem to find a female to go with him. Ours got eaten by and owl. Seems female duck breast are better than the males at least to that lovely hateful ate two of our females. It is also illegal to shoot the owls.
I have. I had somebody want to get 3 birds but they are too far away. I did sell the incubator today. That person was from another chicken site i'm a member of. I put pictures up and I think my birds look good. I do have 4 hens that have bare backs but wear and tear happens with hens from roos. I do have saddles on them now. Thanks to this site, somebody sent me a pattern to make them for my girls.

I even tried to put them on EBay but it got removed. Not allowed to sell live birds, only their eggs for hatching. I didn't know that, but I do now. I have a big dog i'm trying to re-home now for a few months with no luck either.

I need somebody to toss some luck my way. I sure could use it.

Sell very cheap and have a catchy title

So, is ten bucks too much to ask for 1 year old laying hens? I was told 10 to 15. I chose 10 and figured they would jew me down form there but nothing. I may take them to the sale that they have in mayfield every wednesday, next week. I really need to get these birds sold. If I don't I will keep them which is what I would rather do anyway but I need to raise money to go to indiana to be with my brother while he has heart surgery. He has an anurysm in his aorta amoung other things. He needs several surgeries on different parts but for some reason the docs decided to start with the most dangerous one.
Why would you want to sell very cheap? After buying feed and not counting labor we don't make anything asking $2 a chick so why would one go lower on their prices? If you really want them gone fast just give them away or put them in the freezer. I think it hurts everyone when others sell a pricing that is way too low. $10 for a laying hen is a good price if she is laying consistently and is healthy. I rather eat ours than give them away except to friends and family, because they know how much work and feed it takes to get them to hen size or heck even any size. The bill to incubate not counting the cost of the incubator alone is not free. The hatcheries selling chicks most of the time do not even own the stock the eggs come from they purchase eggs. There is a man here who sells to the hatcheries and has told us which ones inspect farms and which ones don't. I think I'll pass on the ones who don't inspect the farms because they don't know if the birds are healthy from where they are getting the eggs..................sorry for the long rank. I am really upset at my husband for selling some pullets at pricing that well is very unprofitable and not even break even. He just wants to scale down.... too much labor and he is not even going to be here for a whole month to help with the labor.

If they just want to get rid of them and are not interested in eating them it seemed like a good idea? There is allot of work involved and you never really break even. If you like doing it whats the harm
I know what you mean. I've been trying to sell my started pullets for a long time too. I did manage to sell a couple of Leghorns and a RIR, but I've still got 14 Leghorns and a bunch of brown egg layers that could go. Not to mention the 10 roosters that are sharing a stall and getting fat....
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What kind of brown egg layers do you have, if you have any besides RIR? Im a bit skittish of RIR now, after they turned canibalistic and went after all my young pullets. And I've got some really docile breeds so do you have any that would get along with mine?
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