TN traders!

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I have a couple EE cockreals for sale or trade. There is also a mix EE/PR cockreal that goes with them. I have an OE young hen also. I will sell or trade for a silkie, frizzle or sizzle hen. I will have some more soon. Still hatching and don't know the sexes yet. My next batch to hatch is in 4 days, then on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

I have 2 silkie roos one bearded one not and a frizzle that I want a few hens for. They each have 1 right now. If you have verizon cell I can send u pics. Just PM me your # and what your interested in. Otherwise I will get you a pic through email. I can't get into photobucket right now to post any here.

I also need a roo for my Splash Orphington. Preverably another splash, a lavender or a blue. I would like to get lavender chicks from her. Not sure what color I need for that. If anybody close by has a roo for her please let me know.
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2 Free TRIOS of Red Bantam Cochin
I cannot house these guys over the winter, so I will also give you 2 girls to go with each boy. They MUST GO!
21 of my roos went to another breeder that I get some of my pullets from. BUT I still have a few that are for sale but I may just give to the right home because I don't need them here

2-EE's out of true Ameraucana parents...breeder that mixes colors for fun these are breeding everything they catch
1-SC Rhode Island White-we use these for super egg layers..
2-Delaware not hatchery stock has a dinner date coming up if they stay here...they will be the guest of honor
1-Full grown Delaware 1 gen away from Hatchery stock.NOT a high quality bird but his disposition is priceless.Mending from wandering to the dominant roo eye still swollen He's just looking for a home or will stay here because everyone loves "Fred"
I also have a Buff Leghorn/Minorca trio and a Black Australorp pair for sale.
Me too..
or I wish someone who WAS closer, shared your sentiment.

I'm close enough, but all my hens are large (and I always said I didn't want a rooster) Sorry.
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Me too..
or I wish someone who WAS closer, shared your sentiment.

I am not exactly sure where you are, but is it close to Wartburg? If so, I might be able to help....
The bantys have a new home in Greeneville with 17Roses

Thanks everyone for trying to help, it's SO GREAT that they are off my back porch... they were there only 2 days during the super freezing weather but managed to teach my young chicks how to crow... hopefully they will forget now

I still have 2 Orpington Cockerels, one black and one blue if anyone is interested.
One of the blues I got from you is starting to crow. Well, that or he's dying a slow horrible painful death every morning. I imagine the sounds would be similair. I'm leaning towards crowing though because they are both healthy growing balls of blue fluff.
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