To all that was in discussion with @#@$%!# Pit bull

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I live in the heart of dog/cock fighting territory. Its horrible here. I have not ever seen a nice pit ever. They just look at you and want to go at you because the PEOPLE who buy them want to fight them and they put heavy chains on them and taunt them and its just bad. They steal your dogs for training theirs to fight, our dogs are not safe around here and they dump the bodies of the dead or wounded wherever they want to. Black labs here are nasty and vicious, same for Yellow labs and most of the other breeds.

Only thing I tolerate is a dog that actually allows itself to be TRAINED. Believe me some dogs don't like training and I am one of a few that actually will put them down. I ain't putting up with it. Our local humaine society when they get a dog that has shown tendancies to be remotely vicious then they are labeled and put down. No questions asked.

I am right now in the I don't like dogs place in my life. Its all because when I was young I could pet any dog and now days you can't. Its just plain dangerous. I never let anyone pet our dogs. And ours are nice!!!

There are many breeds bred for protection and if you don't train them they get nutso and try to do what they were bred for. Problem is they don't know WHEN to stop! Thats what happens. The worst biter in the the nation was listed as the Golden Retiever based on the Humain society studies.

People don't understand that dogs communicate quite well with each other and it doesn't take long for them to have a pack or become buddies with others who have training or breeding to be aggressive. Like it or not people have bred dogs without thought to how many are being dumped on the side of the road because they are unmanageable, to become feral monsters. Its something to be careful of regardless of breed.

My daughter wants to breed chihuahuas and I told her ok but only one or two litters a year. Because of this problem around her she is going to take applications for owners, just to be safe.

Arklady (is not a dog hater)
Here is Pitbull
Sitting on my lap. And I actually got a facial picture.
He/She is the only one that will let me pick up and sit on my lap. There is a definite trust there.
I know, REAL Vicious!
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I was attacked when i was 10 yrs old (22now) by my friends german sheppard mix when i came close with a broom. I never knew that her brothers used to hit the dog with the same broom.
I left the hospital that day with 27 stitches on my upper lip, the part that meets in the middle. it was hanging on by a vein said the doctor.
Ever since then, I have been terrified of big dogs and most little dogs.
Pitt bulls, sheppards, labs, whatever dog it is, you can't trust any of them. They can all turn on a dime.
just my opinion/story.
Well I tried to post this but it got lost. Anyway ED I love you pitt bull, He / she looks like a real terror!!! Better break out the big chians on that one.
I find it so interesting the strong feelings people have about their dogs and dog breeds.

I agree with the dog trainer in the previous post - JKM - in many ways - I am the proud owner of a pitt bull named Kody who is soon to be 6 years old and is frankly the best dog I have ever had. I did my research when he kind of fell in my lap as a puppy and made sure I understood the breed and its downsides. I being a responsible dog owner made sure he was trained and trained well. Now I will not say I have never had a behavior problem with him, I have to be honest have had issues but I corrected them and dealt with them, but being responsible I control my dog no matter what. I am a big fan of Cesar Milan aka "the dog Whisperer" and I truly believe what he does and it does work. I am my pack leader no matter what I am dealing with. I know my dog's limitations and if faced with a situation where I know he has a trigger, I control it. Not to go on but this is a very important subject to me I volunteer at a dog shelter and I see so much irresponsiblity in every breed of dog. The bad names that pitt bulls get is well deserved in many cases but yet there are good pitt bulls out there owned by responsible people like myself. The bad ones are badly bred, fighting dogs owned my people who to them having a fighting dog is a status symbol and they are not raised to be good dogs. I have also seen dogs raised right turn on other people and their owners and they have not been all pitt bulls. They have been all different sorts of breeds.

I do think genetics does play a part and some dogs are predisposed to having issues that is what they are bred for and I think if you get a bully type breed of dog or any type of dog period. do the research and be a responsible pet owner.

My dog is great with children, would I leave him unattended with one? No, I wouldnt leave the friendliest dogs unattended with my or anyones children. My dog does not like cats outside. He was raised with cats in the house and that he is fine with them. A cat outside is fair game and just an equal to a wild bunny. My chickens, he doesn't care about them at all, walks right by them and doesn't give a second look, they run from him, he dont care. Go figure, he likes to watch them but never makes a move towards them, in fact he is very uninterested in them. Would I trust my dog alone with them? No. Maybe he understands in dog esp that they are off limits. He has never been much of a "bird" dog.

Sorry to go on so long and I appologize. This topic is important to me as its a vital part of my life.

PS. The rule in Denver banning Pit Bulls is currently being re evalutated and there is talk of cancelling the ban.
SarahF I am so sorry about what has happend to you, and that dog really. I am not trying to stick up for the dog but man i would go up in arms if some one came near to me with the same broom handle that I get wooped on for no reason. I really am sorry for what happend to you.
Well I geuss we arent ready to come to terms yet....So everyone feel free to keep it up. And then we can get it out of our systems and start talking chickens like what this was made for. We can do this as long as we need to, provided that no one throws any low blows. Dont make me get every one together and start banging heads.
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