TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

That's where I draw the line... my friend's cousin died at 5 because she fell off her bike without a helmet. That same friend died a couple years later in a bike accident.
Hey Lacy I hear ya. I think we are about the same age.
I think we had 4 channels ABC,NBC, and CBS, and if the weather was right we got 21, on the UHF DIAL you remember the other knob. I dont think we ever watched TV during the summer, by the time it got dark it was time for bed. During the school we got showered or bathed(everyone didn't have showers) on Sunday Night then watched Mutual of Ohmaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins, followed by Disney Show. I think it was an hour each. Not 3 or 4 disney channels, not counting the disney radio channels.
still kicking Oh and by the way Happy Birthday Lacy, does that make you older than me now???
You know, Carri, I think some of the bike accidents are due to so much vehicle traffic today and the faster speeds people travel. I'm sorry about your friend. I know I had some doozy bike crashes, but just got pretty skinned up. The brain damage wasn't caused by my bike-it was caused by my kids, LOL!
My brother actually got hit while delivering papers(remember paper routes?) The guy that did it stopped helped my brother up put his bike in the Station Wagon and brought him home. Appologized for not seeing brother gave my dad money to replace wheel ($10?), appologized again and left. No police report no sueing for tramatizing my brother, in fact brother was back out doing his route on my bike before the man had left the driveway. Now adays the man probably would have been on cell phone going 90 and wouldn't have stopped for fear of being sued. Another thing wrong today is Parents dont stick together, I know if a parent told me to do something, or stop doing something you did what they said because if you didn't and they told your parents you were in trouble. Now adays say something to someone elses kid and your a child molester trying to talk to a kid thats not your own. Not only that the kid will call you by your First name and probably give you the finger. Remember the OLD terms MR or MRS???
I guess the respect thing is lost on this generation too. My dad would have hit me for calling one of his friends by thier first name. Oh yeah hit your own kid and they are taught in school to call child protective services.
When I was young I was taught to respect your elders and always say please and thank you. I think alot of young kids today think the world owes them a living. I remember alot about the good ole days. Remember when you actually had to get up and change the channel? I asked Denise(freebie) one time who changed the channel in her house and she said I did! She was the youngest of a large family.
I remember mom telling us a little dirt never hurt anyone and guess what I hardly ever get sick while all the germaphobes get every little cold. I also remember a star trek gun I had growing up it had these plastic little disc to shoot and we shot each other with it and survived, even though we were told its all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out:D Ok I don't have kids but if I did I would tell them a little dirt never hurt anyone. I raise my dogs that way they aren't coddled and fooed, they are my babies but they are all happy healthy dogs I just had to pts my 20yr old mixed breed dog yesterday. I think the world is a little too politically correct heaven forbid someones feelings get hurt THATS LIFE.
At 49, I did all of those things in the original post and then some. The most fun we had, growing up in the delta in Mississippi was when the mosquito truck came through the neighborhood at night bellowing thick white clouds of DDT out the back. Every kid in neighborhood would grab their bike and ride behind him in the cloud of "smoke". It was great fun. DDT was later banned as being the most deadly pesticide. I've never been sick in my life, never had a cold or flu, praise the Lord, nor have any of the kids I grew up with.

I totally ate worms! LOL and dirt! LOL

My kids - well I'm trying to raise them almost the same way - trying hard!
No germaphobic here - my kids can eat the dirt if they want - I won't be too thrilled....

My second was born at home with the cat the first one up on the bed! No sterilized hospital room, just our HOUSE...
I do kinda freak out when the kids want to drink the rain water coming off the roof - but hey, it won't kill em!

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