TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's !!

You mean they dont have phones,Tvs and vida games inside of them jails??
Oh, my sides are hurting, hon, I think you meant...spottedCROW not COW

You guys are killing me. Sure brings up lots of memories...we use to cut out pictures of models and clothes out of the Sears catalog for paper dolls, etc.

Aw, geez, you're right! That's what I get for typing before my cuppa
You nut! You know you are only an ole bird and they have only feathers! lol! you're a good sport! as I'm sure it was slip of the tongue, in fact I got mail addressed to "Farlene" instead of "Darlene" once and my kids and DH still call me that sometimes because it was such a funny redneck name!! Have a great day, gotta get outta here, but as usual, I'm on this crazy board, haha!!
Wooden_Pony - LOL - if those are your kids, I bet they're real healthy! That stuff is good for your skin even if your just a kid!
I'm 47. On the last day of school each year, my shoes would come off and not go back on until the first day of school. I was also always out of the house all day and into the night, sun, rain, snow. We lived in the city (Denver) so I didn't get to do all the cool stuff I wished that I could. I was always the highest in the trees, and fell out of many also.

when my children were little, I would make mud for them in the kiddy pool, we would all stand in it and squish the mud between our toes! I miss that. My oldest daughter was ALWAYS washing her hands, it drove me CRAZY!!!

Now in raising our DGD we all are always dirty from playing and working in the dirt. We tell her how we grew up(DH grew up in the riverbed shooting, dirtbike ridding, and four-bying) and how now kids are not allowed to be kids. The things that SOME PEOPLE deem inappropriate for children now, did the exact same things when they were growing up.
Because of them too many kids are always sick and they are growing up to be weenies!! They are afraid to get hurt or take risks.

Oh, for the good old days!

Oh yes, the trees, that reminds me, I used to sit at the top of the tallest acorn tree out the front of my house with a tennis racquet and a pocket full of acorns (ammo), and hit them at any poor person walking on the path across the road, I was a sniper as they couldnt see me up there!!!
gee I was a naughty kid!

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