To Bubble wrap Or not to Bubble wrap?

I have a dozen of Lisa's (dipsy's) eggs under a broody right now. Out of 12, all started to develop. The are blue eggs, so I can't see them as well as you could other colored eggs, but I can only tell that one has stopped developing. Even if you were only incubating eggs from your own chickens that were never shipped, this would be a good ratio. I've heard of many that have had 100% hatches from Lisa's eggs. So bubblewrap does not "smother" eggs.
Everybody should use bubble wrap. I have had terrible luck with shipped eggs. So Lisa (Dipsy Doodle) sent me a dozen eggs and i hatched 11 of them. The proof is in the brooder. I will say there are different ways of using bubble wrap. Lisa needs to share how she dies it.
If I remember correctly, Lisa said that her and her husband tested their shipping method over and over to ensure the egg safety. (correct me lisa if I'm remembering incorrectly), She said that they drop tested, and shipped boxes to themselves to make sure they were shipping the eggs the safest way. I think everyone who is shipping eggs for sale should pack and ship a box to themselves and then incubate them, to see how they do before they sale to anyone else.
someone who bought silkie eggs from me requested that I DO NOT use bubble wrap, and asked that I wrap the eggs each in wadded newspaper and let them "float"in wadded paper so I shipped 16 eggs to California from Georgia and none were broken. I didn't get a feed back as to the percentage of hatch so I don't know the outcome. I still wrap all mine in bubblewrap
Silkies in Georgia
The only thing I don't like about bubble wrap is that I don't know what to do with all the little bits after I unwrap the eggs. It's not like they are re-cycleable because I don't ship them myself and the bits are too small to be used to wrap other things in future. I guess from an environmental point of view I like the idea of newspaper and cotton wool but the bubble wrap does seem to offer more protection...I even asked the person who sent me the eggs if she would re-use them if I sent the bubble-wrap back to her but she seemed to think it was all too hard.

i re-use the bubble wrap all the time when i ship eggs to others. there are a bunch of things you could do with bubble wrap. take it to a school, church etc for crafts. pack ornaments in it.

just gotta get creative. think outside the box.
I normally ship in bubble wrap, either individualy and floating in wadded up newspaper or wrap them in a lil lighter bubble wrap and put them in a egg carton. I love getting eggs when their all packaged up in neat lil bubble wrap packages, but I recycle it and ship eggs back out in them. Saves me time. ha ha

Here latley I've been wrapping the eggs in newspaper ( sales add's work good) and putting them in an egg carton, then wrapping the carton either in bubble wrap or a few rounds of newspaper. Then let them float in some wadded up newspaper. So far its been about the same feedback on eggs I've sent only had 1 batch of each that had eggs broke. I've shipped a few quail eggs out like this also, in bubble wrap and newspaper so far the newspaper has worked better with them. I've had a few break in the bubble wrap.

Sorry for the novel..LOL
Soooo...I don't eat Buritos...never wrapped one...but it looks like, according to the pic, the ends are not left open.



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