To give back or not to give back...

I've heard Chinese geese tend to be pretty aggressive. When I was trying to decide on goose breeds I found that Pilgrims and Buffs are the least aggressive. My Buffs are very, very sweet. They protect all the other birds from predators and will sit in my daughter's lap at every opportunity.
Well his owners picked him up last night and he has settled in back home. He clearly was meant to be with that family and seemed extremely to see them. So happy ending for him and I guess they are stuck with him for the time being__or forever.

Now I guess I need to rethink what kind of goslings to get next year as I had orig heard that chinese geese were the most personable and good for pets. Obviously more research is needed.

Can pilgram geese fly?
It's so weird, I went to the feed store today and the lady at the register asked me if I wanted her now single Chinese gander. LOL! Told her no way. I love my Buffs and I guess I lucked out on having friendly geese, ain't gonna chance it again.
I have yet to see how my geese act once they become sexually mature... but so far they are ok - not great but ok.

They do tend to bully the weaker poultry sometimes, which is usually just intimidation, but they did once kill a pullet (ganged up on the poor thing) and they pulled one of my duck's wings so that now it hangs funky.

I had a pair of geese I got as adults, and they went into the chicken coop after a broody with babies - they purposely stalked her and followed her in there. They got locked up until the next auction day and they were gone.

I am torn as to keeping them or not. I like my geese - I don't like how they bully the ducks and chickens. I am hoping that I can teach them not to - I have had some success in the "kill the chickens" aspect.

I guess we'll see how things go from here.

In your case, if I was not emotionally attached to the goose, I'd give it back and start with goslings. Maybe if they are raised around the other animals, it'll go better. Then again, my geese were raised around these animals.... still having a problem.

eta - the killing of the pullet and the duck wing happened when they were teenagers (so to speak) since then they have gone more to just intimidation than actual attacks... here's hoping it turns out well).

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I have a little swedish cross duck who is bonded with my Bronze/Slate mix turkey. That little duck will chase those geese all over the place if they get to close to her friend turkey. I've seen her pull feathers out of the geese and she's just a tiny thing while these geese have an eight foot wing span that scares big dogs off. We got nothin' but fun out here.
I have had the opposite experience with my brown chinese geese...none of them have been aggressive...the older gander tried to sneak up on me a few times with his head lowered and such threatening me but all I had to do was turn toward him and tell him to knock it off and re ran away...big sissy...the three I raised get right in my face and talk talk talk when I am filling feeders and aggression from any of them with the exception of one goose when I disturbed her nest...justifiable anger on her part...all that is behind us and she is very sweet...they are great alarmists...
You might want to research Romans and Sebastopol's. I have both and don't have any agresssion problems. Of the eight that I have two are at least two years old...with no agression. They are a pair.

I've had the Brown Chinese - twice now, and the ganders were really mean by the time they were just a little over a year. I didn't have too many issues with girs...they just made a lot of noise. They would want to bite - just to bite and chase. they esp. did not like my husband - never a good thing.

So far The Roman Tufted and my one pair of Sebbies are very peacful all the way around. I just love them...always looking forward to getting more! They totally leave my husband and boys trouble ever.
My flock consists of white and brown chinese, embden, dewlap toulouse, a buff and a couple of mixes. None have ever attacked me. There have been some warnings, which I just warned back and that stopped that. They come to me when called and although most do not want hands on attention, they do like to have attention. Overall very friendly geese that I have NO fear of.

They do squabble among themselves. I figure that is their keeping the pecking order going and do not intervene. They do no harm to each other.

They have a night pen and if in it too long they do get restless and more inclined to argure. They are turned out in a 2 acre pasture during the day. But they come back to the pen for water and shade and to rest.

There are muscovy ducks in with them. Very little arguing between them. Sometimes a goose will grab at a duck, but for the most part they each live their own lives ignoring the other. But the ducks are almost as big as some of the geese, just on shorter legs and with shorter necks.

Maybe having more room helps? There is a kiddy pool for them to play in and an old bath tub that they absolutly LOVE. They do take turns at both, and that is where the dominate groups can be plainly seen. They will start toward the tub, loudly proclaiming their arrival and any that are at the tub will leave.

It is really interesting watching the social behavior of the geese.
Room was definitely not an issue with this guy. He was on 20 acres and still found it necessary to attack any animal that got in range AND stalk the yard trying to get at the dogs.

He was raised as a single gosling so maybe that was an issue. He is definitely happy to be back with his human family.
My single chinese gander keeps trying to eat my 195 lb soldier husband. He will only do it if my husband isn't looking, but as DH comes in from the car, the goose will be right behind, head all down and beak all ready for biting... he hasn't 'gotten' him yet, and if he does, it'll probably be curtains for Mr. Goose, but i think he might just be posturing, pretending to be about to attack... I hope he has enough sense...

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