To Roo or not to Roo


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
Sorento, IL
These three birds are our flock. I'm hoping someone can tell me if the largest bird is a rooster or not. they were all bought at the same time, beginning of March. "He" doesn't crow, but in every other way acts like a rooster would, protecting the flock, guiding them to food, and in general just being bossy. Could Helga just be on overly protective hen or is he really a roo?

Helga is the bird closest with the biggest comb. these were all bought at the same time.

Close up of Helga alone.

thanks for helping me decide.
My opinion: You have 2 hens and Helga is a roo. Chicken sexing has never been my forte. Ha! I do have fun trying though.The behavior certainly points in the direction of a roo. I usually look for the larger tail feathers. Beautiful flock you have there. Good Luck!
Some roos are late crowers. I find that the late crowers tend to be more gentle with the hens, and better all around roos (early crowers are often so souped up on testosterone that they hurt the hens).

I would recommend that you get him more ladies if you don't already have more hens. He'll wear those two girls out if he has no other options.
We had more hens, but we had a chicken hawk come through or some other bird of prey. In the process of getting more girls, and bulding a better run they can be in when I'm not out watching them. Thanks for confirming what I was thinking!

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