To The Hatcher With My 14 - Update with Pic

Chicky Tocks I'm glad all is well with your babies. My Faverolles are all doing well. Most of the EE's you sent ended up have detached cells and didn't do nothing. The Marans are all dark except of 2 clears. I have rocking going on in all my eggs. I'm hoping the Marans hatch I've had bad luck in the past with marans. I did everything different this time. And all seems well.
I hate shipped eggs!!! No matter how hard you try, the hatch rate just never touches what it should be. I'm sorry mstricer. I really, really hope you get one of these buff orp/EE chicks. My gosh it's the cutest thing you've ever seen! Fat and fluffy with little muffs and a beard and such a pretty color; and the chick I have is so mellow! It just looks at you and blink blink. I hope too that you get your marans.
I send you extra strong hatching vibes.

As for me, I'm still waiting. I've probably looked in that bator no less than 50 times today. The humidity is still hovering between 60-65% and the fan has helped me to keep a stable 99.5 degrees. I'll never hatch with a still air again. These eggs are full of chick and if they don't hatch, well then I just don't know what could be the problem! The serama eggs are driving me the most insane. I paid $30 for a dozen and only 3 made it to lockdown. They're so hard to hatch. I will say a little prayer over the bator before I turn in tonight. I set them late 21 days ago, so maybe tomorrow is my actual day 21.

One Acre - have you set eggs yet?
for you Chicky!!

I have eggs in the bator due Friday/Saturday! I bought a still air LG at Tractor Supply, thinking I would hatch in it, but I am scared! I have shipped eggs and some of my own going now... Maybe I'll keep the shipped eggs in the incubator and try hatching my own in the LG? Yikes, I don't know what to do!
This morning the humidity was down. There were no pips, so I unplugged the fan and added more water. While I was in there, I picked up one of the serama eggs to inspect it and I heard peep peep! So I put it back in really quick and closed the lid. Humidity quickly went back up to 65 and now I continue to wait.

Good luck on your hatch One Acre! I also have eggs due next week. They're part of my staggered hatch, so I put those in the still air while I left what was due this weekend in the bator with the fan. If all of your eggs are due at the same time, I'd leave them where they be. Save that LG for another hatch. I'm anxious to finish this hatch and candle what's in the still air for next weekend's hatch.
Ugh...the only thing I can think is that either this hatch is going to be late because I ran the temps a degree too low, or it's just not going to happen. All of the eggs are developed and full of chick. I'm going to give them until Wednesday evening, that will be day 24, and if there's nothing then, I'll do a couple of eggtopsies to see if I can tell what went wrong.

The good news is that I have three beautiful chicks.

I have another batch going into lockdown on Thursday. I think I'll candle them tonight just to see where I am on those. Fortunately they're light eggs...buff orp and australorp I think. They're swap eggs and my partner isn't telling LOL.
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hoping you get a couple more!

I'm locking down this week too! I think I'll do it Wednesday night... my temps ran low for the first few days and I had a power outage, so I'm expecting a delayed hatch also

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