I have a flock of 21 hens ranging from 10 months now to three months. I keep reading where you deworm them twice a year. With from what i read is with a goat worm and you can not eat the eggs and they go to waste for a certian amount of time. I am not looking into saling the eggs so i could save eggs for the amount of time we have to worm the as we eat eggs every day. I bake and cook constantly so eggs are needed. At what age do you worm and what medication and how long is the withdrawl period? Whats the dosage i have different weight hens. Leghorns (light breed), delewares, golden sex links, rhode island reds, barred rocks, easter eggers, buff op, sl wyandottes. Some allow us to pick them up and others like one or more rhode islands will try to attack you (well my husband, me they ok with mostly). Right now i am giving them pumpkin and other preventives (will start cayenne pepper in feed soon) but what else can i do.