Toad Raising.

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I have some good news!

After a couple of terrible hatches, by people on here, I decided to try hatching them here again and selling the chicks instead of the eggs,

I put 10 eggs in almost 3 weeks ago, I moved them to the hatcher today 9 appear viable and moving!


I'm sure there's some info out there.  I don't want to hijack the thread with egg experiments.  But the eggs I hatched with 1 rooster had gotten so cold a few were frozen and discarded due to cracks.  I think the theory is that normal refrigerator temperatures are fine.  Just remember it will not sex change the eggs, just kill off the majority of rooster eggs.

I wouldn't risk these eggs either, of course. But, a breeder of Orphingtons gave me dozens to hatch for a couple years back. When I arrived, she pulled them from the fridge with a few weeks old dates on them. I had 85% hatch. I'm sure if I used only my Brinsea and not the LG, I would have had near 100%.
Ralph...just curious...about Toads roosting. Can they hop up on a roost, do you use a ramp? What size roosts do they use...2x8's....LOL!
They can hop up on a roost about 18 inches high. I use 2x4's for roosts.

They will bow under the weight of a bunch of toads.

They are not real jumpers though. The wings are way too small to be any good for flying.
My 9 eggs turned into 5 chicks. I might have misplaced 3 meaning they jumped their tray and fell into another tray.

I have 6 trays in my hatcher and once in a while a silly bird changes trays. I am not selling anything that might be a toad.

The 5 I have firmly identified are going to MnCHickMom and her kids. Her Daughter might enter them in the fair against the CX's!
Just went to pick up our chicks. We are doing the same as Momof3+twins, we plan to weigh weekly. I believe they were hatched Saturday so my first set of weights will be at 2 days old. My control group will be Speckled Sussex. (Well maybe the SS hopped into the box as we were getting the Toads boxed up. )

Tonight I started them on 22% Medicated chick start.

T= Toad
SS = Speckled Sussex

T- Purple = 57 grams
T- Red = 50 grams
T- Blue = 52 grams
T- Yellow = 58 grams
T-Green = 56 grams

SS- Purple = 38 grams
SS-Yellow= 41 grams
SS-Green = 33 grams
SS Blue = 35 grams

Based on comb development and size my 2 kids and I both think T-Yellow is MALE. That is the only one all 3 of us agree upon. Stay tuned for pics.
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