Today's Sunday Morning Breakfast


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
I got an good start this morning.

Here's breakfast -

Cinnamon and raisen english muffins run under the broiler with butter until just browned, then a slice of cheddar cheese and back under the broiler until gooey.

When they came out I topped them with a sausage patty and a fried egg.


Served with coffee, tea and milk.

What are you having this morning? should just adopt us all prissy
I eat wheat toast with natural peanut butter every morning, so boring for most.......but so good...... MORNING to you my chicken girliefriends
Miss Prissy it is amazing how with a keyboard you can deflate a person's ego. lol I was feeling real good about myself this morning until I read your breakfast menu.
All of a sudden my breakfast sandwich of scrambled egg, sausage patti and cheese on white toast just doesn't sound to appealing.
I had started the fire in the old smoker pit making ready to cook those baby back ribs for lunch along with the baked sweet potatoes and dirty rice dressing but you managed to burst my bubble.
Oh well, I'm this far into it so I suppose the show must go on.
Your breakfast sandwich sounds as good as mine. If I had a loaf of white bread that is what I would have used. I had english muffins in my freezer.

Your lunch menu is awesome. I'll be right over. What time are you serving?
I, too, love making large Saturday and Sunday breakfasts for my dh. This morning it is ham and pancakes with sliced oranges and warm syrup.
By the way, Miss P., my attorney is now drawing up papers to adopt you!!

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