Today's temperature = # of eggs.

Right now its 3 degrees F. and real feel is -3!
From our laying flock (20 hens) we got only 7 eggs today
We usually average around 18 eggs a day. We got an egg from Snowbell (Leghorn, our most reliable layer)
Red (RIR)
Henrietta (RIR)
Jade (Black Australorp)
Elvira (SLW, our most unreliable layer, an egg from her was a surprise!)
Nutmeg (SS)
Hazel (SS)
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In Kansas City, MO.
39 7.3' N94 33.1' W

Morning low: 9°F
Afternoon High: 24°F

Humidity +/-: 40%
Wind: 10-20mph out of the East and North East
Wind Chill range: -7° to 11°
Day Length: 9h 58m
Peak Solar Elevation: 32.5° @ 1pm

4 eggs today

Flock Age: 35 wks

Laying Reliably
Brown Leghorn @ 10:30am
Easter Egger @ 11:30am
Easter Egger @ 12:30pm
Silver Laced Wyandotte @ 3:30pm

Not Laying
Easter Egger has taken 7 days off in a row
Still Waiting for first egg
Easter Egger
Silver Laced Wyandotte
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Here in Vermont it was --20 this morning, but 22 in the coop, as I stuck a little heater in there for them! 6 hens, 1 egg only and that was from our Rhode Island Red.
Today we got 3 eggs so far. It was about -17F Last night. Now it is a touch below
zero and windy.

1 barred rock egg and 2 marans eggs.
We got 4 eggs from my 4 chickens and no light. They are leghorn, RIR, And 2 black stars. Its 16 degrees
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29 right now in Roanoke, VA (4:56 pm) Chance of snow tomorrow!!

I got 7 eggs from the 8 that are laying...pretty good day despite the cold windy weather.

Red Sex link
Tetra Tint
Dominiques (3)
In Kansas City, MO.
39 7.3' N94 33.1' W

Morning low: 9°F
Afternoon High: 24°F

Humidity +/-: 40%
Wind: 10-20mph out of the East and North East
Wind Chill range: -7° to 11°
Day Length: 9h 58m
Peak Solar Elevation: 32.5° @ 1pm

4 eggs today

Flock Age: 35 wks

Laying Reliably
Brown Leghorn @ 10:30am
Easter Egger @ 11:30am
Easter Egger @ 12:30pm
Silver Laced Wyandotte @ 3:30pm

Not Laying
Easter Egger has taken 7 days off in a row
Still Waiting for first egg
Easter Egger
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Wow! Don't suppose you are an accountant or something? What a specific, organized, and detailed post!

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