Today's temperature = # of eggs.

To day was about 20 degrees F. My 8 month pullets gave me 7 eggs today from 7 pullets! They are Salmon Faverolles. I'm so proud of my girls, we have no light provided for them, they just go by the sun.
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Today was -28 degrees celsius in southern Manitoba and I got 25 eggs out of a mixed flock of thirty.
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I live in Northern New York, with a high of 15 degrees, warmest day we have had in 4 days(nights have been getting to -10 below)... I got 7 eggs out of 19 layers, with no light! :) And the ladies are doing great!
The high 28 degrees. Freezing rain and ice falling out of the sky. School closed at 9:30 am. We have 22 chicks that lay received a grand total of 4 eggs today.
To day was about 20 degrees F. My 8 month pullets gave me 7 eggs today from 7 pullets! They are Salmon Faverolles. I'm so proud of my girls, we have no light provided for them, they just go by the sun.

Maybe your Favs could talk to my lazy butt Favs! I guess I shouldn't complain TOO much. I got ZERO from each of them for 8 days. Between the two of them, they managed to lay 9 eggs in the last 10 days so it IS better.

The high 28 degrees. Freezing rain and ice falling out of the sky. School closed at 9:30 am.

Heck they barely had enough time to get off the bus!

I HATE freezing rain more than ANY other type of weather. Of course we don't have tornados or hurricanes so I could probably be persuaded to change my mind if I suffered through either one.

- 13F overnight Tues, high Wednesday -4F; 5 eggs
- 13F overnight Wed, high Thursday was 4F; 6 eggs
Low last night was -3F and the high today was 7F. The warmer weather resulted in ONE, count them ONE egg from 12 girls that are all laying.
Worst day since the 2nd pullet started laying on 11/21.


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