Today's temperature = # of eggs.

Over here in Florida is being up and down weather some day 45 at night other up to 65.Then during the day up to 80 so crazy I get eggs daily from my mixed coop
about 7 eggs out of 10 hens. What is funny,the silkie sits on everyone eggs, she is broody but stopped laying cause she is molting
4 hens/4 eggs yesterday from 2 Gold Comets and 2 EEs. Let's see what today holds. It's a chilly morning in FL at 49 but we will have a high of 73 today. I keep a light on them starting at 6:30am before sun up until about 5pm before sun down. Days are getting a little longer now. I increased there protein intake with a handful of dry catfood in the morning and afternoon. Seems to help with molting and egg production.

Sadie & Star at work

17 degrees in Central New Jersey. So far 4 eggs. (RIR, Calif White, Red Star, Ameraucana) Have been averaging 8-9 eggs a day from a flock of 11 layers despite the freezing temps. We use heated waterers and extra lighting.
28 degrees in Milliken Colorado this morning. The last egg I got was on 1/5/2013. I was getting 5 to 6 every day before that. I have 2 RIRs, 2 BOs, 1 Americauna, 1 Delaware, 1 Gold Laced Polish, 1 Silver Laced Polish, 1 White Crested Black Polish. I really am missing our eggs and so are my extended family. They keep asking for eggs and I have to tell them, I'm not even getting eggs to sustain us. I don't want to put artificial lights in though, as I believe our girls deserve a rest. They were so dependable when they were laying.
It's 29 degrees now after an ice/sleet rain storm here. I have 1 egg so far out of way too many chicks.
3 houses of laying chicks.

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