Today's temperature = # of eggs.

Sadie & Star at work

I have NEST BOX Envy. Gorgeous set up!

I have a joiner for the Laying Club today. A Beautiful new blue egg right away this morning. So I have 4/4 today. 2 EE, BA, BO laid. I haven't had four eggs since.....October?!? I think.

Not laying on Winter break: 3 EE, Wyandotte, RIR.

Temps last evening. -15 F. Poor boys and girls. I pulled the brooder lamp yesterday too. But they did good. Today's high was 8 degrees F. I thought we are getting 30's today but now says tomorrow through Tuesday.
36 degrees, overcast
4 eggs from 3 BO, 1 delaware
1 silkie egg from 2 hens

we cheat- they have a light in the coop! i'm paranoid about frostbite on their big combs!
Last night's low: 12 F
Today's high: 22 F with a dusting of snow

1 egg from my 6 month old Columbian Wyandotte (she lays 2 out of every three days right now).
My other 4 hens are also 6 months old and haven't started laying yet...... come on gals, the days are getting longer!
Yea! It's working. Today was my first two egg day! I think the new layer is one of my Barred Rocks. She's been talking to me about it for over a month!
I have 10 hens (4 young Golden laced dottes, 3 older RIR's, 1 older leghorn, & 2 young seramas)

Got 7 eggs today (all dottes laid, leghorn laid, & both seramas!)

Temp: 49 degree high today, 34 tonight!
Location: Little Rock, AR!
Today I got 6 out of 9. All 3 of my 5-month old pullets are laying for me daily which means 3 hens are laying but 3 are not. all are young so Im hoping its just the weather but yay for my pullets!!!! BTW, it was in the low 30s here today and been grey skies for almost a month straight and Im averaging 6 to 7 eggs per day from my 9 girls. Not too bad for no light except a red heat lamp

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