

In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2016
Northwest Arizona
I put my chicks outside tonight. In making sure that my dog was secure, I hung out with them for a couple hours. Suddenly they started squeaking like crazy, and next thing I knew, they were trying to snuggle under my arm, under my leg, and on my shoulder in my hair! It was so sweet, I didn't want to get up and disturb them after they fell asleep. Do chicks normally get fussy right before bedtime? These little ones just crack me up!
If they are not yet used to the dark, they will be a little freaked out at first. But even older chickens make a lot of noise as they settle in (argue over roosting spots) and start losing the sunlight.
Mine did the same, calling pitifully for me every evening. They would hop onto my lap and shoulders and loved getting petted. This was only in the evening. Now, at 10 weeks, they have totally outgrown that need. They even avoid being petted if they can. They go into the coop by themselves, and only look to me for food.

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