Tom turkey sitting on eggs?


13 Years
Jan 12, 2008
I have 3 bronze turkeys.1 tom and 2 hens. Both hens made a nest and collectively laid a few eggs. One of my hens decided to set on them and was fine until the other hen decided that she wanted to set on them too. They both sat on the nest until a few of them started to stink. I removed the bad eggs from the nest and both hens then lost interest in setting. The next day, the tom was setting on the remaining eggs. I have never seen or heard of a tom or rooster setting on eggs. Is this typical for turkeys or just a very confused tom?
I have 3 bronze turkeys.1 tom and 2 hens. Both hens made a nest and collectively laid a few eggs. One of my hens decided to set on them and was fine until the other hen decided that she wanted to set on them too. They both sat on the nest until a few of them started to stink. I removed the bad eggs from the nest and both hens then lost interest in setting. The next day, the tom was setting on the remaining eggs. I have never seen or heard of a tom or rooster setting on eggs. Is this typical for turkeys or just a very confused tom?

It can happen. I had a BR tom sit on eggs while the hen was off the nest. Of course he broke more eggs than he did any help.
I thought my old pet tom turkey had gone off somewhere and died. He's been missing 3 days. Tonight, my husband found him, setting a nest full of guinea eggs under some tame blackberry bushes, lol. He is so flat I never saw him....I could not believe it!

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